【禁闻】无惧暴力 香港数万民众再上街

【新唐人2014年09月30日讯】无惧暴力 香港数万民众再上街





舆论担忧 “六四”在香港重演




陆媒公然说谎 网络哗然


有人指责“东方卫视 把大陆人都当猪仔了”,也有人讽刺说,“别人庆祝放烟花,香港庆祝放催泪弹。造谣要入罪的,东方卫视不怕不怕!”还有人解释说,“这下知道墙(也就是中共过滤网络消息的所谓防火墙)的作用了吧,想怎么说就怎么说,反正你不知道真相”。


No Fear in Hong Kong—Tens-of-Thousands Protest Again

Hong Kong’s people are protesting on an increasing scale
for a democratic election.
On Sept. 29, the protest expanded to the downtown area
including Causeway Bay, Wan Chai and Mong Kok,
from the government headquarters.

The number of participants have increased from being in their
thousands a few days ago, to reaching 100,000 people.

The police are continuing to use tear gas and batons to repress
protesters, and the government is yet to make a response.
Beijing authorities are suggesting a tough response to
Leung Chun-ying, Hong Kong’s chief executive.

Hong Kong residents have vowed to fight to the end
without fear of police violence; at midnight, more people
took to the streets in another standoff with the police.

Near the Queensway government offices, tens-of-thousands
sang the song “Under a Vast Sky”, while holding a banner
saying “Hold Freedom Through Rain and Wind"
and used cellphones to create a sea of flashlights.

Public Worry a Repeat of 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre

The continued confrontations between Hong Kong’s
government and its people are arousing concerns.
The public say they are worried of seeing similar episodes to
Beijing’s 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, in Hong Kong.

On Sept. 29, the British Broadcasting Corporation published
an article in Chinese saying that the Hong Kong protest
is reminding people of Beijing in its transition period,
between the spring and summer of 1989.
The students’ demands and the authorities’ response
are in essence, surprisingly similar.

The 1989 student movement faced a bloody crack-down
from the Chinese Communist Party(CCP)’s troops and tanks.
With Hong Kong students being on the streets now,
those who saw the 1989 Beijing massacre are very worried.

Mainland Broadcasts Fake Hong Kong Scene, Many Angered

CCP State-controlled broadcaster Dragon TV reported that
a crowd from 80 non-governmental groups had celebrated
the upcoming 65th anniversary of CCP rule on Sept. 28,
backing the government’s decisions on Hong Kong’s future.
The broadcast completely censored the intensifying protests
by tens-of-thousands throughout Hong Kong.
The fake report triggered anger from the mainland’s netizens
and received accusations and ridicule.

Some accused Dragon TV of trying to fool mainlanders
“like pigs”.
Others mocked them, saying that usually people celebrate
with fireworks, but Hong Kong celebrated with tear gas.
Some netizens explained: “Now you know the role of the wall
(CCP’s internet censorship—“great firewall”);
they can say whatever they want as you don’t know the truth."

Edit/Zhou Yulin
