【禁闻】专家:周永康案不公布 藏玄机

【新唐人2014年10月27日讯】在四中全会召开前夕,海内外舆论普遍认为,四中全会公报会宣布:开除前中共中央政治局常委、前中央政法委书记周永康的党籍,并移送司法机关处理。不过,周永康案在四中全会过后仍然没有下文。那么为什么周案迟迟没有公布? 我们来看看专家的分析。









美国哥伦比亚大学政治学博士李天笑: “他更重要的罪行,政变罪,大规模迫害法轮功学员,特别是用法轮功的器官卖钱这种反人类罪,那就对江派有致命的打击了,这方面如果放在他定罪的话,中共肯定就垮台,这方面我估计僵持不下。”




据不完全统计,在这期间,中共花掉了约四分之一的国民生产总值,来维持这场对法轮功的迫害。而持续十五年的迫害造成了中国法制全面崩溃 。





采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李智远

Experts: Hidden Agenda in Not Revealing
Zhou Yongkang’s Case.

Prior to the Fourth Plenary Session, it was widely speculated
that the message of the plenum should be to announce the
dismissal of party member Zhou Yongkang and prosecution.
But, nothing about Zhou was revealed.
Let’s hear what the experts analyze.

Zhou Yongkang’s case remained unannounced after the
Fourth Plenary Session, or in the fourth meeting of the
Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) on
Oct.25 in Beijing.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) first announced
Zhou Yongkang’s case was filed in late July.
He was not introduced as a “comrade" and the case was
mentioned to be under “review", not “investigation".

A law professor at Chinese Academy of Governance of
Administration, Yang Xiaojun, analyzed then that Zhou
Yongkang was left outside of the party without the
“comrade" title.
The “review" means the investigation was nearly concluded.

Those facts were understood, and what’s left was how to
characterize the case.

During the CCDI meeting, secretary Wang Qishan stressed
“the struggle of anti-graft is always on".
He warned those who dare to continue without
change will pay the price.

So why is Zhou Yongkang’s case unreleased?

Beijing politics watcher Hua Po, “as long as Zhou Yongkang’s
case is not concluded, the people involved will be uneasy
and upset, it is easier for Xi Jinping to exert control over
these people, who will behave themselves.
This is how Xi Jinping will command
Zhou Yongkang’s followers."

In March Reuters reported sources said, Chinese authorities
seized assets worth at least 90 billion yuan ($14.5 billion)
from family members and associates of Zhou Yongkang.

More than 300 of Zhou’s relatives, political allies, protégés
and staff have also been taken into custody or questioned.

Commentator Dr. Li Tianxiao believes Zhou Yongkang’s
heinous crimes are too immense to be described.
Full exposure of his crimes will implicate many and threaten
the ruling CCP.
The Jiang faction, also Zhou Yongkang’s allies, are therefore
resisting the exposure in the name of CCP stability.

Li Tianxiao, “his most heinous crimes are the coup plan and
the massive persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
In particular the anti-humanity crime of selling living
Falun Gong practitioners’ organs.
That’s the fatal blow to the CCP if his crimes include
the anti-humanity part.
I believe this is the reason why it’s exposure
has been delayed."

Recently, Hong Kong media quoted sources saying, on the
eve of Oct. 1, Jiang Zemin wrote to the Politburo.
He proposed not re-evaluating or concluding on issues,
mistakes and damages caused by major policies since
the 15th National Congress.

The price paid on these polices should be held responsible
by the collective party, not the individuals.

The most dominant policy since the 15th National Congress is
the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong.

In an interview with French daily Le Figaro, Jiang Zemin
labeled the Falun Gong as an evil cult and conducted
the persecution by manipulating the entire state machinery.

Opposed by the other six Standing Committee, Jiang Zemin
threatened the Politburo with “death of the party and loss
of regime power" to approve the decision to persecute
Falun Gong.

According to incomplete data, the CCP has spent about a
quarter of it’s GDP maintaining the persecution of Falun Gong.
The 15-year persecution has resulted in collapse
of the Chinese legal system.

Comments have pointed out that the rapid decline to under
the bottom line in morality in today’s China, has a direct
relationship to the persecution of Falun Gong, who hold to
principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.

According to the Fourth Plenary message, it is to establish
legality review mechanisms for major policy decisions within
administrative bodies, establish life-long responsibility
investigation systems and responsibility tracing mechanisms.

Li Tianxiao, “the persecution of Falun Gong launched by
Jiang Zemin can be traced through these new policies.
The passing of the policies must have been opposed by
several Standing Committee members of the Jiang faction.
Xi Jinping will release Zhou Yongkang’s case according to the
plan of his arrangements to hit the tiger, Jiang Zemin."

Li Tianxiao analyzes Xi Jinping’s ultimate target was
Jiang Zemin.
Zhou Yongkang is already a dead tiger, so Xi Jinping has
yielded on the announcement of Zhou Yongkang.
Meanwhile, he is turning Jiang’s trick to his own use by
writing the death sentence into the Fourth Plenum to
pave the way for later prosecuting Jiang Zemin.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
