

据《美国之音》报导,一个以诺瓦塔(Novetta Solutions)公司为首,微软、思科、火眼、赛门铁克等十多家美国知名网络安全公司组成的“网络安全联盟”,10月28号发布报告指称,已经查明一个代号为“Axiom”的中国黑客间谍组织,在过去六年来,一直在对全球政府机构、企业(包括财富500强公司)、记者、战略能源相关组织、人权团体和大陆境内外的异议人士,发动网络袭击和监控。截止到目前,已经有至少4万3千台电脑被植入了恶意软体。



对此,诺瓦塔等公司组成的“网络安全联盟”得出了和FBI 完全一致的结论。据《华盛顿邮报》10月28号援引诺瓦塔公司首席执行官拉蒙达尼(LaMontagne)的话指出,“Axiom”看来是由国家支持的,也是他们“所见过的中国网络间谍组织中的最尖端的技术”。








采访/易如 编辑/张天宇 后制/萧宇

Chinese Cyber Espionage Group Reported

For some time, the FBI has accused CCP-backed cyber
espionage activities of stealing government and industry data,
but the CCP has denied such activities.

An alert from FBI, obtained by Washington Post, indicated
that a coalition of security researchers has identified a Chinese
cyber espionage group that appears to be the most sophisticated
of any publicly known Chinese hacker unit and targets not only
U.S. and Western government agencies but also dissidents
inside and outside China.

Novetta Solutions, a cybersecurity firm that heads the coalition,
reported on Oct.28 that, the research consortium has
detected Axiom malicious software on at least 43,000 computers
around the world belonging to law enforcement and other
government agencies, journalists, telecommunication and
energy firms, and human rights and pro-democracy groups.

Earlier, FBI has warned that a group of technologically
sophisticated Chinese government hackers has been engaging
in stealing important data from industry and governmental
agencies for a long time.

Axiom’s work, the FBI said in an industry alert this month,
is more sophisticated than that of Unit 61398, a People’s
Liberation Army hacker unit that was highlighted in a report
last year, added the Washington Post.

Peter LaMontagne, chief executive of Novetta Solutions, said,
“Axiom’s activities appear to be supported by a nation state…"
“These are the most sophisticated cyberespionage tactics
we’ve seen out of China."

The researchers concur with the FBI’s conclusion, noting that,
unlike Unit 61398, Axiom is focused on spying on dissidents
as well as on industrial espionage and theft of intellectual
property, said the Washington Post.

US-based Chinese Society researcher Zhang Jian:
“Undoubtedly, these Communist hackers’ purposes are:
One, to suppress political opponents and discredit opponents;
Two, to obtain valuable economic data of large multinational
corporations to increase their own economic strength;
Three, to conduct massive surveillance and smear campaigns
against exiled dissidents and religious figures,
so to highlight the justifiable suppression of these overseas exiles."

Many dissidents and political commentators have said that
they often find abnormal situations in their computers.

Zhang Jian: “Whenever there are interviews by reporters,
my computer was attacked, so was the Internet at home.
I found many reporters’ Internet were problematic too.

Of course we can’t verify the cyber attack, but according to
the interview and the effect on the computer,
I can tell the computer was attacked."

In addition to dissidents, many pro-democracy organizations
and human rights groups around the world have also
experienced various interference and destruction
during protest or truth revealing events against the CCP.
For example, in the Global Network Conference to commemorate
the 25th anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre this June,
participants experienced Trojan viruses attacks and unauthorized
use of e-mail; even the communication service site,
Paltalk, was down, and the Webinar was also down,
greatly affecting the scale and broadcast of the meeting.

Federation for a Democratic China Chairman Sheng Xue:
“We were prepared, but the attack was too powerful.
Right at the beginning of the online meeting,
we were all kicked out of the meeting room.
The Paltalk was completely crashed.

Some of us experienced complete black out on screen.
The computer was completely off."

According to China Observer, US President Barack Obama
will travel to Beijing to attend the APEC summit in November.
Sources said that the agenda of the meeting is expected
to include cyber security issues.
But based on the responses of the CCP in the past,
it is not optimistic.

Interview/YiRu Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/XiaoYu
