
















采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁 后制/钟元

Japan’s Media Says Entertainment Circle is New Anti-Graft Target

The Fifth Plenary Session of the Central Commission for
Discipline Inspection (CCDI) concluded on Jan. 14.
It summarized the last two years’ work and stressed that
investigating corruption is of top responsibility.
Foreign media has quoted sources saying that
the campaign is now including entertainment circles.

A recent report in Japan’s Asahi Shimbun says that General
Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech in January 2013 showed
the first signs of targeting corruption.

More than 23,000 Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members
received disciplinary punishment last year; three times more
than the year before.

Included are the Central Political and Legal Committee’s
former secretary, Zhou Yongkang, and former minister
of the United Front Work Department, Ling Jihua.

Xi’s heavyweight crackdown on corrupt officials continues
and is being extended to entertainment circles that are
closely related to officials, says the report.

According to sources in Beijing, famous calligraphers, artists
and musicians are being included as CCDI targets, says Asahi.
It says there is collusion between businesses and officials,
where high-ranking officials who collect arts have
relationships with the artists.

The report has been widely followed by mainland media.

Commentator Wu Shaohua says Asahi Shimbun’s report is
similar to how Xi retrieved power and attacked Liu Yunshan,
Jiang Zemin’s crony.

The arts and entertainment circles have been part of CCP
propaganda and is widely controlled by the Jiang faction,
which has many celebrities on its side.

Celebrities are known to speak on behalf of the political elite
and are often deeply involved in political struggles.

Hua Po, Beijing Politics Watcher: “Public figures have to mix
with officials to get popular and receive favoritism."
“The entertainment circle is an extension of the officialdom,
so to investigate celebrities is to investigate the officials."
“The stars are like points of break-through;
they give clues when investigating the ‘tigers’."

Hong Kong’s South China Morning Post recently reported
that a number of sacked officials have a habit of collecting
valuable antiques, such as former vice governor of Anhui,
Ni Fake, who collected jade; former minister of railways,
Liu Zhijun, who accepted 200 various artworks and jade
worth 13-million yuan; and former vice mayor of Hangzhou,
Xu Yongmai, who holds large collections of jade, soapstone
and antique arts of painter Qi Baishi.

Zhu Xinxin, Freelance Writer: “Many corrupt officials are
in favor of arts and collect them to gain fame and wealth."
“Holding a title such as ‘Honorary Chairman of
the Calligraphy Association’ for instance, makes personal
works of calligraphy sell at high prices."

“People also promote works behind the scenes, which is
equal to bribing the officials—it’s also a form of corruption."

Hua Po: “In this society full of bribery, some take money,
some take beauties, and some collect paintings or antiques."
“So now they’re targeting musicians and artists; I think
they’re finding a way to break through corrupt elements."

Wu Shaohua pointed out in an emergency literary forum
last Oct. 15 that Xi Jinping’s two-hour long speech was
designed to remove ideological discourse from Liu Yunshan.

Wu believes the Japanese media report of CCDI targeting
the entertainment circle is a continuation of Xi’s 2014 talk.

Last Oct. 17, state media publicized a full list of the 72
participants of the literary symposium.
Public figures from Jiang’s faction such as Zhao Benshan,
Zhang Yimou, Song Zuying, Jackie Chan, and Li Shuangjiang
were missing.

Wu Shaohua believes that Zhao Benshan and Song Zuying
are two most likely sacked in the anti-corruption campaign.

Zhao Benshan was closely related to the Jiang faction.

An online list of participants of Bo Xilai’s coup plan that was
once publicized included Zhao, who was promised the post
of Minister of Culture after the coup.

Party media reported on Zhao’s scandal after the Chongqing
incident in 2012 and by the end of 2014, Internet rumors
of Zhao’s arrest were widely spread.

Song Zuying is Jiang Zemin’s mistress.

Last July, she was rumored to be under investigation by CCDI
and the military for allegedly misusing military funds
and funds of the Ministry of Culture for a personal concert,
as the backstage manager at the Navy Political Department.

Zeng Qinghuai, known as the ‘shadow tycoon’ in the Chinese
entertainment circle, is also said to be Xi’s main target.
Zeng is the brother of Zeng Qinghong,
who is Jiang Zemin’s strategist.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/ZhongYuan
