【禁闻】微博聊天可作证供 为谁量身造?














Microblogging to be Used as Evidence?

Internet and public opinion management and control
keeps on escalating in China.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Supreme Court recently
announced that online speech, microblogging SMS, and so
on can be used as evidence in court.

The same day, State Internet Information Office (SCITO) said
that real-name network registration will be fully implemented.
Lawyers pointed out that the authorities don’t just want to
strictly control online speech.
More importantly they want to lay out the legal groundwork
to charge political dissidents.

The CCP official media published on Feb. 4 that the Supreme
Court produced the latest judicial interpretation of Civil
Procedure, which further clarifies specific types of “audio-
visual materials" and “electronic data".
These mediums can be used as evidence in civil cases,
including audio data and image data such as online chat,
microblogging, SMS, e-mail, electronic data interchange,
blog, e-signature, domain names and so on.

This brief judicial interpretation received a lot of attention
from the outside world.
Netizens remind each other to pay attention to speaking
online in the future.
They might now pay a price for casual
complaints, criticism and even joking.
Media analyzed that implementation of these new regulations
will help the CCP further suppress online speech.

New York lawyer Ye Ning, “These ordinary niche media
are the only tools for ordinary people to express themselves.
If even these can be as directly used as evidence in courts,
people have to carefully discipline themselves when using
these niche media. So the CCP has cleverly achieved the
goal of disciplining online users."

Ye Ning pointed out that recording data and image data
are “hearsay" information and cannot be independent
evidence itself in the U.S. It cannot be used directly as
evidence in formal civil or criminal proceedings.
He is concerned about if the CCP will correctly
implement the new regulations.

Ye Ning, “As a legal professional I have reservations,
even lots of doubts and worries on this provision.
If we look into the nature of the issue, direct adoption
of such evidence for litigation without strict restrictions
will give more room for the authorities to abuse power."

It is noteworthy that on the same day that the judicial
interpretation was released, SCITO formally released
the “Provisions on the Administration of Internet Users
Account Name".
It announced that from Mar. 1, the “Real Name System"
will be fully implemented in network registration.
Institution or individual accounts of blog, microblog,
instant messaging tools (including Wechat, QQ, Skype),
forums, and posting online comments need real identity
confirmation during the registration process.

Netizen Xiucai Jianghu, “It is to suppress freedom of speech.
They know people are not happy about them.
They want to suppress critical voices using the real-name
system and to limit citizens’ rights to criticize."

Netizens joke that the combination of the Supreme Court’s
judicial interpretation and SCITO’s “Real-Name System"
is specifically tailored to target dissidents.

Ye Ning, “With the Real-Name System,
all your comments are on record.
The recorded comments can be used as evidence against
you and to press for civil damages.
The move actually contains great political purpose,
including being against the values of humanity."

Last August, the CCP issued “Ten Articles on Wechat"
forbidding personal public Wechat accounts to publish
or spread political news. In January 2015, the authorities
require online literary writers use real-name registration.
On Feb. 4 2015, CCP released “Ten Article on Accounts".

This forbids any institution or individual network users to
use account names that harm national security.
The CCP’s measures are interpreted by the outside world as
strengthening of online speech management and control.

Ye Ning said that China is moving to quickly
become a large prison.
But netizen Xiucai Jianghu said Chinese peoples’
desire to tell the truth has become difficult to stop.
It doesn’t matter how many high-pressure policies there are.

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu
