小唐纳德与模特儿妻子海顿(Vanessa Kay Haydon)2005年11月12日结婚,婚后育有5个孩子,分别是:
- 长女:凯·麦迪逊·川普(Kai Madison),2007年5月12日出生
- 长子:唐纳德·约翰·川普(Donald John III),2009年2月18日出生
- 次子:崔斯坦·米洛斯·川普(Tristan Milos),2011年10月2日出生
- 三子:斯宾塞·弗雷德里克·川普(Spencer Frederick),2012年10月21日出生
- 次女:克罗伊·苏菲亚·川普(Chloe Sophia),2014年6月16日出生
This is why we are fighting so hard. For that next generation, the ones who will inherit the mess created by career politicians. Whether its insurmountable debt, a crumbling infrastructure, or all of our other problems our kids will have to fix it because political insiders (the “elite") clearly can’t do it. The political class in DC has failed us (both sides) time and time again and given us false promise after false promise all while getting themselves and their cronies rich. Well it’s time to start fighting for the hardworking men and women of this country and not the elite. That’s why @realdonaldtrump is doing this. He didn’t need to take this on, but he is doing it because he loves this country and he loves the American dream. A dream which has been outsourced to other countries. People outside the US, many of whom hate us, our values, our religion, and our freedom, are living the American Dream, your American Dream, while good Americans haven’t seen an effective pay raise in 2 decades. It’s time to get someone in the White House who has the guts, ability and the resolve to say enough is enough. Someone who isn’t owned by the system and the special interests. Let’s end the years of lies, deceit, and corruption and break up the DC cartel once and for all. Let’s #draintheswamp and send the message loud and clear to #Washington that #enoughisenough. #trump2016 #trump #makeamericagreatagain #maga #vote
A photo posted by Donald Trump Jr. (@donaldjtrumpjr) on Nov 7, 2016 at 3:15pm PST
本文网址: https://cn.ntdtv.com/gb/2016/11/13/a1296572.html