Mango Sticky Rice Easy Recipe
材料 Ingredients (二至四人食用 2 – 4 people )
一只大芒果 (或任何适合芒果也可以) 1 large mango (or whatever type/size you prefer)
(长身)糯米200克 200g long grain glutinous rice
椰奶150毫升 150ml coconut milk
20克白砂糖 20g sugar
1/8 茶匙盐 1/8 tsp salt
适量芝麻(已炒香) Handful of toasted white sesame seeds
糯米饭酱料: Stick rice sauce:
椰奶180毫升 180ml coconut milk
白砂糖20克 20g sugar
生粉水(一茶匙生粉加一汤匙水) 1 tsp potato starch mix with 1 TBS water
1/8茶匙盐 1/8 tsp salt
本文网址: https://cn.ntdtv.com/gb/2018/09/15/a1391643.html