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#Repost @brucelee with @make_repost ・・・ Just as my father came to understand that there ultimately is no Chinese or Japanese way of fighting (just HUMAN ways of fighting), I want us all to understand there is no "Chinese Virus". A virus knows no nationality, and wherever and however it started, it does us no good to point fingers, ostracize, attack or demonize Asian people. That doesn’t cure anything, solve anything, help anything, or stop the virus, by the way. This virus knows no color, no nationality, no gender, no borders. I could point out that the Asians in this country facing people’s prejudice at the moment are overwhelmingly Americans, some of who have lived here for generations and helped build this country, but honestly I feel like that is beside the point. WE ARE ONE FAMILY. Where we live, how we look, what we eat, what our customs may be are just the things that make us interesting individuals. So please, let’s not perpetuate any anti-Asian sentiments or actions now (or ever frankly). Bigger still, let's not perpetuate any anti-HUMAN sentiments or actions. Even casually joking about a Chinese virus with your Asian friends is other-izing and doesn’t bring us together. Now is a time where our responsibility to one another for the greater good of our communities and our world as a whole is being tested and we need to pass the test. We need to upgrade our human potential right now. So lets perpetuate PEACE, LOVE, HEALTH, WELLNESS, RESPECT, CONNECTION and SUPPORT. We are all in this together. -Shannon . . #onefamily #brucelee #weareallinthistogether
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中共全国人大在闭幕日绕过香港立法会、同时未咨询香港人,直接表决通过订立“港版国安法”, 再次引发香港民众大规模抗争,以及国际社会的强烈谴责。
然而,亲共的成龙、谭咏麟、曾志伟等香港文化演艺界人士,则急于对中共输诚立即发起连署,表态支持“港版国安法”;据悉, 截止5月30日已经有2605名艺界人士参与。
但这份中媒《南方Plus》贴出的连署名单, 未见四大天王刘德华、张学友、郭富城和黎明,也没有周润发、陈慧琳、邓紫棋等大咖明星的名字在其中。有网友看了名单后,表示容祖儿、周柏豪、周星驰、郑少秋、林子祥、叶倩文、林忆莲、甄妮等等等,许多知名艺人似乎没有连署。
香港艺人成龙等人日前发起的连署支持“港版国安法”名单中,不见“四大天王”刘德华、张学友、郭富城和黎明等大咖明星, 但却惊现已故巨星李小龙、梅艳芳和张国荣。
成龙亲共撑“港版国安法”, 已故巨星梅艳芳及张国荣惊现在连署名单中。(YouTube视频截图)
网友讽刺的留言: “香港最有影响力的明星一个没上,香港民意与明星是一致的。除了成虫, 其它明星真没什么影响力”;“众多大牌明星未签名?与那帮已经签名的垃圾二三线艺人产生强烈的对比, 证明良知与金钱无关”;“建议美国应制裁并没收成龙在美资产”。
还有网友认为:“2020年开始其实是对每个人的一次考试…一些问题上不得不做出选择”。也有网友大赞那些没有签名的艺人, 有良知、勇气,对中共的邪恶本性有着深刻认识。
本文网址: https://cn.ntdtv.com/gb/2020/06/02/a102861585.html