【禁闻】路透社: 中共“殖民化”香港经济

【新唐人2015年01月03日讯】英国《路透社》在刚刚过去的2014年12月31号,发表了一份“特别报导”(Special Report)。报导指出,尽管中共无法在政治上驯服香港,但它正加强对香港商界的控制,并正“殖民化”香港经济,目前中资企业在香港多个关键行业占的比重,越来越大。




时政评论员伍凡:“ 它把全球的人民币兑换中心设在香港,并且最近又开设沪港通,要把香港的股市和中国大陆的A股连通起来,它的目的是什么?要掌控香港。 香港100多年来是一个自由市场,已经有个品牌了,是全世界在远东最大的股票市场,它要充分利用它, 很多外资到香港来,中共要去占领这个舞台。”


美国南卡罗莱纳大学艾肯商学院教授谢田:“ 这一次香港的学运,我们已经看到了,中资资本的公司在学运中起到的作用,他们在支持那些反对雨伞运动的人,还有中资控股的公司直接在威胁参与雨伞运动的学生民众, 扼杀港人的自由,这个是中资进入香港最直接的后果。”


伍凡:“ 为什么李嘉诚在中国大陆的房地产卖了,连香港他的企业、房地产也卖了,他要离开香港了, 那就等于说港人治港是空壳子了,那么它(中国)大量的移民,这17年来有100多万移民到香港,并且都是很有钱的人,他们慢慢慢慢代替了香港原来的资本家,由他们来治理香港,这就是10几年来中共控制香港的一切手段。”

报导还说,北京明确表示,经济一体化(economic integration)的核心,是加强对香港行使主权,北京的部分愿景是将香港拉入珠江三角洲经济区。而在零售银行业务方面,中资银行在香港开设了近500家分支机构,占全部银行分支机构总数的40%。


伍凡:“ 最近这10年来,中共为了把香港老百姓拉住,香港的水是大陆供应的,电也是大陆供应的,还有食品,鱼、肉、蛋,几乎全部是大陆供应的,它等于是占领了香港的零售市场,这一点就控制香港的社会。它控制香港以后,再建立一个香港、澳门、深圳的经济区,香港的特色没有了,香港的自由、民主这些东西慢慢就淡化了。”


谢田:“ 可能是抬高了香港的房地产,商业房地产和居民房地产,还有一个,随着中资企业的进入,很多中国大陆一些不好的管理上的习惯、管理上的风气,可能也在侵蚀香港的经济制度和企业型态。我更担心,大陆普遍的企业造假、欺骗、欺诈行为,慢慢也渗入到香港,那就非常危险。”



采访/易如 田净 编辑/陈洁 后制/萧宇

Reuters: The CCP Colonization of Hong Kong’s Economy.

British Reuters published a Special Report on Dec. 31, 2014
which says although the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
can’t politically tame Hong Kong, it is tightening control over
Hong Kong’s business circle and colonizing the economy.
Chinese enterprises are increasing in numbers in many
key industries in Hong Kong.

The report says one of the most telling signs of change is
how much space mainland Chinese companies lease.
These companies account for over 50% of new leases
signed for offices, which is much higher than the 20% in 2012.
Mainland occupancy of 25 key prime office spaces, in the
districts of Central, Admiralty, Sheung Wan and Wan Chai
increased from 13 percent in 2008 to 21 percent in 2014.

Hong Kong’s 88-floor International Finance Centre has
a growing number of mainland companies on the list;
These include China Development Bank International
Holdings Ltd, opened in 2011.
It’s an offshore investment firm of China Development Bank.

Mainland companies also occupy significant amounts of
Hong Kong’s land.
The Reuters report says three of the six available plots
sold in Kai Tak district went to Chinese firms.
Two went to China Overseas Land & Investment,
and one went to Poly Property Group.

Mainland firms keep on being listed on the
Hong Kong stock market.
They now account for 54 percent of the companies
traded on the Hang Seng Index.

Wu Fan, political commentator, “It (CCP) sets the global
RMB exchange center in Hong Kong.
The CCP recently opened the Shanghai-Hong Kong
Stock Connect, connecting Hong Kong’s stock market
and mainland Chinese A-shares. What’s its purpose?
It’s to control Hong Kong.
Hong Kong has been a free
market for over 100 years.
It has its brand. It’s the biggest stock market
in the Far East.
[The CCP] wants to take full advantage of it.

Lots of foreign investment comes to Hong Kong,
and the CCP wants to occupy this platform.”

Professor Xie Tian at Business School of University of South
Carolina indicated that the CCP tries to control Hong Kong
politically through controlling its economy.

Professor Xie Tian said, “We have seen that the Chinese
companies have had effects on this student movement in
Hong Kong. They have supported the anti-umbrella
movement people.
Chinese holding companies directly threatened students
and citizens participating in the umbrella movement.
The most direct consequence of Chinese companies in
Hong Kong is strangling freedom of Hong Kong people.”

The Reuters report says many Hong Kong industries have
been dominated by business tycoons for decades, such as
Asia’s richest man Li Ka-shing, casino tycoon Lui Che Woo,
and palm oil tycoon Robert Kuok.
But now, these people are witnessing mainland Chinese
enterprises invading Hong Kong.

Wu Fan, “Why did Li Ka-shing sell his properties in mainland
China and his enterprises and properties in Hong Kong?
[It’s because] he’s leaving Hong Kong. It means Hong Kong
people ruling Hong Kong is just an empty shell.
Mainland China has seen over a million immigrants to
Hong Kong in the past 17 years, and they are all rich.
They slowly take the place of Hong Kong’s original
capitalists, and then rule Hong Kong.
This is how the CCP controlled Hong Kong in
the past for over a decade.”

The report also says Beijing has clearly indicated that
the key of economic integration is to enhance sovereignty
over Hong Kong. Beijing’s goal is to include Hong Kong
in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone.
Chinese banks opened nearly 500 branches in Hong Kong,
accounting for 40% of all branch banks in Hong Kong.

Wu Fan indicated that the purpose of the CCP controlling
Hong Kong in all aspects is to prevent Hong Kong from
becoming an anti-CCP base.

Wu Fan, “In the past 10 years, to control Hong Kong people,
mainland China supplies water, electricity, food including fish,
meat, eggs, and almost everything for Hong Kong. It has
occupied Hong Kong’s retail market, controlling the society.
After [the CCP] controlled Hong Kong, it established a
Hong Kong, Macau, and Shenzhen economic zone.
Hong Kong has lost its features. Freedom and democracy
in Hong Kong is gradually fading.”

The report says economic integration doesn’t always
promote understanding, but sometimes triggers tensions.
One of the sources creating disputes is that rich mainland
Chinese purchase lots of Hong Kong properties.
This is raising the property prices and causing complaints
from many Hong Kong people.

Xie Tian, “It probably raised Hong Kong’s real estate,
business properties and residency properties.
Also, following the entry of Chinese enterprises, many bad
management habits are eroding the economic system and
business patterns in Hong Kong.

I’m worried that the fraud and cheating actions rampant in
mainland China will gradually penetrate into Hong Kong.
That’s very dangerous.”

Xie indicated that the biggest failing of the CCP in the recent
democracy movement in Hong Kong is that it widely awoke
Hong Kong people and it warned Taiwan as well. The Pro-
CCP Nationalist Party also lost in the recent election.

Wu Fan appeals to the Taiwan government not to be
deceived or bought by the CCP’s money and capital;
Not to lose its rights as a nation.

Interview/ YiRu、TianJingEdit/ ChenJie Post-Production/ XiaoYu
