波士顿市长华殊(Martin Walsh)祝新唐人观众新年快乐

【新唐人北京时间2020年01月23日讯】波士顿市长华殊(Martin Walsh)祝新唐人观众新年快乐。

恭喜发财。Happy New Year. The city of Boston is excited for the year of the rat, an animal that symbolizes good fortune and luck. In this new year, we hope for these things for ourselves, our family and our city. This holiday marks a time for family and friends and new hopes for the year ahead. And of course, enjoying delicious food. It’s also a great opportunity to reflect on Boston’s Chinese community and how much they contribute to this city. They make Boston stronger and more vibrant. To everyone celebrating Chinese New Year, I want to say 新年快乐. May this be the year of health and good fortune for you and your family and your loved ones.

