【禁闻】胡耀邦长子密晤日本首相 负高层旨意?














采访/陈汉 编辑/陈洁 后制/孙宁

Hu Deping Involved in Closed Meetings to Improve Sino-Japan Relations

Japan confirmed on April 15 that former Chinese
reformist Hu eldest´s on Hu Deping had

a private meeting with Japanese PM Shinzo Abe.

This was during Hu Deping´s visit in Japan.

Hu Deping is a member of the Standing Committee
of the Political Consultative Conference and Deputy
Director of the National Economic Committee.

Abe´s meeting with a non-cabinet member of the
Chinese Communist Party is considered rare.
Analysts believe this signals that both countries are anxious
to improve the relationship after many years of disputes.

Hu Deping visited Japan on April 6 for a week.

During the visit, internal sources told Japan´s Kyodo
News that Japanese PM Shinzo Abe met with Hu.
Hu had an earlier meeting with Japan’s
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga.
Analysts believe the meetings were to exchange
ideas to help improve bilateral relationships.

Yoshihide Suga confirmed Abe´s meeting
with Hu at a press conference on April 15.
He also confirmed that Hu wishes to hold talks “in a
quiet environment”, without information made public.

Reportedly, Suga told Hu that Japan-China ties should
be based on strategically and mutually beneficial principles.

Hong Kong´s Apple Daily reported that Hu Deping´s visit
was arranged by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
It was approved by the Chinese Communist regime.

Beijing official sources reveal that
Hu Deping is close to Xi Jinping.

Ding Shuh-Fan, Professor of National Chengchi
University College of International Affairs: “His trip
was arranged by the Japanese Embassy in Beijing.

It was not arranged through the Chinese Foreign
Ministry. Hu Deping took initiative with the trip.
This arrangement was hoped
to improve relations with China.

I believe PM Abe wanted to see him.

He also wants to meet many other influential figures in
China, to express his wish to improve bilateral relations.”

Japanese media generally believed that
Hu Deping was on a mission to ease the
strained relations between the two countries.

Wu Fan, political commentator: “China has
been in a strained situation with Japan for years.
This includes the Qidong incident, which saw
Japan withdraw investment and technology.
This was to the disadvantage of China.

For the Diaoyu Island disputes,
it´s a positive move to just talk.
It´s an ordinary diplomatic act for Xi Jinping
to send Hu Deping to conduct secret talks.
It´s no big deal, as they can´t engage in conflict forever.
Xi Jinping has no such capacity, politically or financially.
China-Japan relations need to be eased.”

If the Chinese invaded the Senkaku Islands,
U.S. Marines in the Pacific could recapture them.
This was reported in Stars and Stripes, quoted from
U.S. Marines Commander Lt. General. John Wissler.

On April 15, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs
declared that what China had claimed about the
historical territory of Diaoyu Islands was groundless.

Chinese state-media countered that the Diaoyu Islands
are Chinese territory, and justice cannot be challenged.

Hong Kong media quoted professor Liang Yunxiang.

Professor Liang said that non-cabinet figures
in the Chinese regime meeting with Japanese
officials can be regarded as testing the water.

Once the talks collapse, the Communist regime
can negate the official intention of Hu´s visit.
Liang Yunxiang believes that not until officials meet
publically on both sides will we see if the ice has broken.

Ding Shuh-Fan: “This type of low-level
diplomatic relations could last for a while.
This is because of the different
positions from both countries.
But, I don´t think it will elevate to a military conflict.

The Communist leader would not want to risk
losing control of the domestic nationalism.
That could be to the disadvantage
of the Communist leadership.
Japan is also aware of the fact that in short
term, the military advantage could later turn into
something unfavorable for Japan in the long run.”

Japanese media, Asahi Shimbun, comments
that the Communist regime distrusts PM Abe.
Despite this, as Japan is the hosting nation for
the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
Summit in November this year, Beijing has to
take concrete actions to alleviate tense relations.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/SunNing
