Dai Li’s Manuscript Published
“History does not depend on memories and legends, but real material,"
said Lu Fangshang, Taiwan’s National History curator.
Taiwan’s military intelligence, working in conjunction with
the Academia Historica, published Dai Li’s Historical Materials,
which is based on a manuscript written by Dai Li,
the founder of the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics
of the Military Council of the KMT government.
All of the content is based on Dai Li’s intelligence material
which was gathered during the war, in the hopes of revealing the true history of China to the public.
Dai Li’s historical and military archives were once regarded as
Top Secret.
The first Chinese Communist Party (CCP) military publications,
including the Military Battlefield Report, the Economic War,
and the Loyalty and patriotism national salvation forces
were written from a very subjective point of view.
Thus, Tang Jiashen, the director of the Intelligence Department of
Taiwan’s Ministry of Defense,
emphasized to the CCP that much of its military history is incomplete
and not based on facts.
Tang said the CCP should support its so-called historical
military facts with solid evidence, including Dai Li’s books.
Researcher Wu Shufeng of the Taiwan National History
Institute, is in charge of compiling research materials.
She said that when an intelligence agency is willing
to publicize its archives, it symbolizes a big step forward in the direction of democracy.
Wu Shufeng: “This symbolizes a shift towards democracy.
Even a secret intelligence agency is now willing to accept
the true account of history."
Intelligence work was either glorified or hated in the past.
But by publishing true archives of China’s military history,
people will finally know the true facts.
Take the Loyalty Salvation Army, as an example.
The CCP referred to it as a “bandit army,” when it was not.
Wu: “It was a organized guerrilla force that worked
behind enemy lines in the southern region of China and not a bandit army as the CCP claims.
This can be proven via historical archives."
Wu said Dai Li promoted the spirit of loyalty to the country,
so he emphasized community, family, and treating coworkers as brothers.
He also emphasized the tradition of showing loyalty to
intelligence officers.
For a long time, the CCP’s propaganda and
its Sino-US cooperation has been characterized as “anti-communist,”
anti-people fascist concentration camps,
almost become synonymous of so-called ‘US-Chiang crime’.
Dai Li’s historical archives detailing the establishment of Sino-U.S.
cooperation, Sino-U.S. Business cooperation,
and the Organization Structure of Intelligence Bureau,
are expected to be published in December.
Wu: “Sino-US cooperation is at Geleshan.
Red Rock, a mainland China book and some propaganda videos,
mentions that Geleshan is the place where CCP prisoners were abused.
Actually from archives, it was said to be a residence for workers
of the Sino-U.S. cooperation, and a working place.
The institution itself was not attached to the Bureau of Investigation
and Statistics, and did not serve the Bureau.
So there is a relatively clear distinction, here."
Historian, Su Ming, had lived in mainland China
for about 40 years.
He said that the CCP used ordained scholars to demonize
the opposing party.
This is a common Communist tactic.
Su Ming, a former professor at Peking University: “The CCP
had once sought support for the mainland,
thus it asked an ordained scholar to write the novel, Red Rock,
in which the original Sino-U.S. cooperation was slandered, demonized, and vilified.
In the novel, the so-called CCP heroes were arrested, detained
and tortured using 48 methods recognized by the United States, while Dai Li personally oversaw things.”
Wu believes that Taiwan’s Military Intelligence Bureau hopes
to make known its intelligence history during the upcoming100th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution.
Wu said they have no intention of speaking on Dai Li’s behalf.
But as a military intelligence bureau, which Dai Li created
in 1938,
it has been incredibly invaluable in securing military
intelligence data behind enemy lines,
Sino-U.S. intelligence cooperation,
and details on how the war was won.
NTD reporters Liang Xin, Huang Rong and Xue Li