【禁闻】灭共呼声起 陈光诚出逃惊现百度














28号开始,在《百度》搜索引擎输入“陈光诚出逃”,出现数条关于“陈光诚成功大逃亡”的文章。在此之前,《百度》也能搜索到有关“一亿人三退”、“退党保命” 、“六四天安门”等所谓敏感词的文章。薄熙来倒台后,《百度》和“微博”曾一度涌现批评周永康的负面消息。


采访/梁欣 编辑/李韵 后制/萧宇

Slogans to Eliminate the Chinese Communist Party.
Baidu blockades of Chen Guangcheng’s Events

Huangshan City Justice Bureau and Ganjingzi District in Dalian,
the Political & Legislative Committee’s website had been hacked.
Slogan’s demanding, ‘Eliminate the Chinese Communist
Party(CCP)’, and ‘Down with the CCP’.
April 29, similar slogans appeared upon the Linjiang City
Environmental Bureau’s website, ‘Elimination of CCP’.
Meanwhile upon Baidu search engine,
news of Chen Guangchen’s escape.
Analysts point out, these messages reflect the publics will.
That one day, the one-party dictatorship will be no more.

April 29, website of Jilin Province’s Environmental Bureau in
Linjiang City, 2 messages appeared, both cursing at CCP.
Also a picture depicting the words, ‘CCP is Stinking and Dirty!’

The words remained on the web page until 6am, April 30th.
The website is no longer accessible.

A number of such incidences have occurred ever
since the beginning of April.

In the morning on April 18, a Political and Legislative
Committee website in Dalian was hacked, pictures of
“Down the CCP”, “Tomb of the CCP”.

On April 23, a CCP school website in Shandong was hacked
with slogans of “Down the CCP, Establish a New China”.
The CCP’s logo on this website was also marked
with two black crosses.

On April 28, a Political and Legislative Committee system’s
website in Anhui was hacked, with the slogan,
“Without Eliminating CCP,
Disaster Will Never End, Eliminate the CCP”.

Ma Xiaoming, reporter of Shanxi’s TV Station points out,
this reflects public will,
they hope to see an end (very soon),
to the one-party dictatorship.

Ma Xiaoming, “At least this proves people’s hatred
towards CCP, it also reflects the state of public mind.
It means people want to see this kind of information,
people like to publish this information, indicating… people’s will and hope.”

On April 26, Chen Guangcheng escaped his 18 month
house arrest.
On 27th, in a video recording Chen urged
Wen Jiabao to investigate the persecution towards him.
Chen also called for the investigation of corruption and
huge costs, used to illegally detain his family.
Meanwhile Chen condemned Zhou Yongkang,
as well as Political and Legislative Committee’s lawlessness.

In 2007, being Jiang Zemin’s relative, Zhou Yongkong took
over Political and Legislative Committee secretary’s post,
since then, he has controlled Police,
Court and Judiciary systems.
Numerous petitioners and Falun Gong practitioners were arrested
and sent to jail, he created countless false and illusory cases.

Hundreds of petitioners in Beijing wrote opening letters
to Zhou saying, the severe persecution towards the public,
exasperating social confusion, Zhou cannot escape
his responsibilities.

Zhang Tianliang, Prof. of George Mason University said,
Chen Guangcheng’s event is exposing & highlighting Zhou’s crimes once again.

Zhang Tianliang, “Chen’s 3 requests directly target Zhou,
Wen Jiabao is better throwing Zhou out.
Zhou has been deeply involved in political scandals,
his position is already unstable, Chen’s incident making Zhou’s situation ever worsen.
Zhou’s crimes are being exposed; the CCP’s image thus damaged.
In addition, there is diplomatic pressure from the U.S.,
all things are happening together, this is a great opportunity for
Wen Jiaobao to bring Zhou to justice.”

On April 28, upon Baidu search engine, if looking for
key words such as, “Chen Guangcheng’s escape”, such related news can be viewed.
Also recently, many more articles relating to,
‘100 Million People Quit CCP’, ‘Quit CCP to Secure Life’,
‘June 4th Tiananmen Students Movement’,
can also be viewed on Baidu.
After news of Bo Xilai’s downfall, criticisms of Zhou
are unblocked upon Baidu and Weibo.

Zhang Tianliang analyses that, CCP is encountering another
wave of appeal to “Bring Zhou Yongkang to Justice”.
Zhang believes that Zhou has done enough bad things,
after Chen’s affair, Zhou’s fate must be even more worse than Bo’s.
