【禁闻】支持温家宝政改 可否走出体制外?














采访/易如 编辑/许旻 后制/钟元

Wen’s Proposal on Political Reform Gained Support;
Out of the Chinese Communist System is the Only Way Out

Petitioners responded to the call from Wen Jiabao for
political system reform.
On May 25, “Shanghai Petitioners Group” and human rights
activists from all over the country gathered at the front
door of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Military
Committee holding banners.
The banners said :“Support Premier Wen Jiabao’s Political
System Reform.”
They asked for “Corrupt Officials Put to Death, Anti-Corruption,
and Supporting Political System Reform”.
However, they were driven away by security guards.

Some political observers think that China’s political system will
be a dead end if it cannot overturn the CCP’s dictatorship.
Some commentators pointed out that only if China can walk
out of the communist system like the former Soviet state did
is there a way out for Wen Jiabao’s political system reform.

At Aiguo Street, No.39, Beijing, where the CCP Central
Military Committee is located Petitioners shouted slogans like;
“Crack Down on Corruption, Return Human Rights to Us,
Respect the Judicial system.”
They also held a banner with “Universal Joint Support of
Premier Wen Jiabao on Political Reform.”
Human rights activists at the scene said that officials shielded
one other and officials colluded with business men.
Crimes the CCP government committed have been legalized.

They’ve robbed ordinary people of their land and properties.
There is nowhere you can expose those injustices.

Wang Kouma, Petitioner from Shanghai, “There is nowhere we
can redress the injustice. There is really not much we can do.
We’ve been suppressed all the time. If the current political
regime system is not reformed, we will suffer even more.
Therefore, we support Wen Jiabao for his political system

However, the activity of “Support Wen Jiabao’s Political
System Report” was also suppressed.
The petitioners were driven back by security from Central
Military Commission when trying to enter the office to register.

Chen Jianfang, Shanghai petitioner, “After we got into the
petition office, a security guard threw us out when he saw we were holding banners.
We were not allowed to register and made to leave.

We didn’t get a hearing from any officials. The petition
window is really nothing but a decoration on the surface.”

Later, some of the petitioners went to Beijing Public Security
Headquarters to apply for a parade,
calling for the universal support of Wen Jiabao’s political
system reform. However, officials got rid of them there too.
Human right activists are worried about that Wen’s political
system reform is just empty talk or even a trap.
Whoever supports Wen’s political system reform might be

Commentator Lan Shu thinks that CCP regime is unable to
sustain itself any longer no matter the political system reforms.

Lan Shu: “If you look at the privilege that CCP officials enjoy
at various government levels, you will notice CCP rules over China’s constitution.
In this situation, if we continue adhering to the CCP regime
system without changing the ruling status of the CCP and
without recovering classic traditional culture, there is no way
out for this reform.”

“The Epoch Times” published “Nine Commentaries on the
Communist Party” at the end of 2004.
In this book there is a profound discussion on the nature of
the CCP.

Lan Shu: “The reason that communist movements are going
to a dead end is they believe in atheism.
Atheism is in conflict with all the great faiths of human beings.

If the CCP continue adhering to atheism and maintaining a
political system backed up with atheism,
there is no way they can recover any classical
traditional culture.”

When CCP regime started it’s crisis, Wen Jiabao proposed a
political system reform.
It makes people think of “the CPSU political reform” which
triggered the disintegration of Soviet Communist Party regime at the end of last century.

Lan Shu: “Of course political reform can start from the CCP
internal system.
For example, before Soviet Communist Party fell down, both
Yeltsin and Gorbachev got away from the communist system.
There is a process from the internal political system reform to
the external.
If it’s process with peace, the price that Chinese society will
pay for the reform would be less.”

Lan Shu pointed out that if the CCP senior authority could see
this point and Wen Jiabao could work for the peaceful disintegration of CCP,
the contribution he can make for the
whole society would be tremendous.
