【禁闻】“五一”党媒喊劳动光荣 遭炮轰



网友“周英杰”表示:“看了这口是心非的东西后,顿时像吃进了一只苍蝇 ……. 当今社会一个弱势群体,时时处处受欺压,何来伟大与光荣?”











采访编辑/李韵 后制/薛莉

Empty Slogans for China’s Labor Day

On May 1st, CCTV launched a special report
on “great workers, glorious labor."
XinhuaNet published an article saying that for decades,

the “labor creates value" and “glorious work" slogans
have accompanied the growth of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Now the aura of labor is fading.

Farmers and laborers in China live a life without
guaranteed rights, and hold the lowest social status with the least income as well as the most hardship.
The article posed the question,
“where does the glory come from?”

On the eve of the 5/1 Labor Day, this special report
has attracted endless mocking remarks.
One netizen said, “After seeing this kind of duplicity,
one feels like (one has) just swallowed a fly (how disgusting!)
They are the vulnerable group in today’s society
and are being oppressed.
How glorious and great can they be?”

Farmer Liu from Sichuan said that there are no farmers
and laborers in China today, only bureaucrats and slaves.
The former crushes and exploits the latter.
It is a joke, talking about being great and glorious.
Farmers Liu: “If labor is so glorious, why are officials’
children all in a foreign country?
They should stay in China and work.

Their wealth comes from us, and they could care less
about what is glorious or not.
We are not human beings, but slaves.

Only now they think of us as human beings for their
political needs, in order to rule better.”

Sun Wenguang, professor at Shandong University, pointed
out that so-called “great” and “glorious” is only a game of words.
Nowadays, farmers and laborers are in the lowest social class
with the least income and the most hardship in life.

Sun Wenguang: “Our society is very unfair to those people.

Some farmers have no health insurance,
no pension, and no maternity protection.
Same with the laid-off laborers.
They live a tough life, but no one cares.”

XinhuaNet’s article also said that, for decades,

slogans like “labor creates value" and
“labor is glorious" have accompanied the CCP.
However, over the past few decades, non-labor income
has grown more important and the aura of labor has faded.

Zhu Xinxin, former editor of Hebei People’s Radio, said that
the amount of Chinese workers has reached nearly 300 million.
Issues like double holidays and statutory holidays in Labor
Law, insurance, and worker’s compensation are all too far remote for them.
Zhu Xinxin: “Ordinary workers do not have the protection
they deserve, such as wages, benefits, and security.
Our government does not offer them protection,
from legal to other aspects of the system.
They are a vulnerable group and people despise
the lowly workers.
People do not want to engage in those inferior careers.”

The CCP’s establishment was based
on the worker-peasant alliance.
They claimed that they were the vanguard of the working
class, acting on behalf of the interests of workers.

Sun Wenguang: “However, after the CCP seized power,
people have realized that it was simply a means.
They used this group of people, the so-called proletariat,
to engaging in ‘revolution,’ seizing political power.
After they came to power, they have actually placed
these people in a helpless position.
This situation reminds people how phony
the ‘glorious work’ slogan is."

Zhu Xinxin pointed out that facing serious social injustice,
workers’ rights are not protected.
Authorities do not intend to solve the social system
problem but instead put on a moral mask,
intoxicating workers with praising words and empty talk,
in order to create a peaceful and prosperous society.
