【禁闻】斯诺登是泄密者 还是“双面间谍”

【新唐人2013年06月18日讯】有越来越多的人,对泄密的前美国中央情报局雇员爱德华•斯诺登(Edward Snowden) ,发出质疑。同时,美国国会提出,要彻底调查斯诺登跟中共的关系。美国联邦调查局局长罗伯特•米勒表示,美国联邦调查局(FBI)已经开始对斯诺登展开刑事调查。而华裔作家章家敦更大胆猜测:斯诺登是“双面间谍”。美国前副总统切尼也怀疑:斯诺登是中共间谍。



美籍华裔作家章家敦:“ 因为他不仅仅是谈论监控,他在给中共或公开披露,因此给予中共信息,它们是技术细节性的,比如IP地址,美国国安局在查看什么,他们在监控什么服务器,这些信息对中共情报机构之外的任何人都没有用。对于泄密者,这个概念来说,这样做完全没有必要。”








采访编辑/秦雪 后制/周天

Is Snowden the leaker or a double agent

More and more people are questioning the leaker,
Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee.
While the U.S. Congress claims to have thoroughly
investigated his relationship with the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP), Director Robert Mueller claimed that the US
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has begun a criminal investigation into Snowden.
The writer Gordon Chang doubts that
Snowden might be a double agent.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney suspects
Snowden was a Chinese spy all along.

The author of The Coming Collapse of China,
Gordon Chang, spoke on Fox News Radio regarding
Snowden’s decision to flee to Hong Kong “[that] has
an extradition agreement with the United States.”
Chang explained, “Hong Kong authorities have been…
working very well with the U.S.”
“…and the only reason I can think of is that
China will prevent it,” he said.

Gordon Chang told NTDTV that Snowden’s timing
of the NSA PRISM plan exposure is questionable.
He said Snowden’s first leak was right before the meeting
of President Obama and CCP leader Xi Jinping.
He believes that this would have changed Obama’s
entire conversation regarding cyber security with Xi,
and that Snowden’s recent leaks about the NSA’s
Hong Kong and China operational details will help Beijing.

Chinese-American writer Gordon Chang:
“Because he’s not just talking about surveillance,
he is giving to the Chinese, or disclosing in public,
and therefore giving the Chinese information,
which is technical and detailed, such as
the IP addresses that the NSA is supposedly looking at,
you know, which servers they are surveilling.
This is not information which is useful to anyone
except for Chinese intelligence and the Chinese
security services, and it’s completely unnecessary
for this whole concept of being whistleblower."

Gordon Chang believes that it would have been very difficult
for Snowden, in his position, to get so much data in such a short time.
Spokesman for NY Chinese Christian Democratic Party,
Lu Dong, thinks it is likely that the CCP planned
Snowden’s spying, because the CCP is using this event
to counter the U.S. allegations of cyber attacks against the Chinese Communists.

Lu Dong: “The CCP used Snowden, and he planned
to go to Hong Kong to attack the NSA PRISM plan.
The key point is that the CCP wants to fight the US’
accusations of China using cyber espionage to modernize its military.
The Snowden event is totally related to the meeting
between Obama and Xi Jinping, one step before the meeting.
The core topic of the meeting was cyber security."

Snowden’s exposure of NSA PRISM plan caused
varying reactions among Americans.

On June 12th, Reuters’ release of Ipsos Poll shows that

45% of respondents said that the NSA monitoring
is acceptable under certain circumstances,
37% said that it’s totally unacceptable,
and only 6% of respondents said it’s entirely acceptable.
During the interview with Lu Dong, he said he personally
supports the US’ PRISM plan.

Lu Dong: “This monitoring is necessary, because this
is not monitoring the everyday life of American citizens.
It’s only archiving a lot of data.

Once a spy suspect appears to be having
frequent contact with foreign governments,
it’s easier to investigate using the information on file,
just like we have monitors at intersections to catch violators."

On June 16th, on the Fox News Sunday program,
Former Vice President Dick Cheney defended
the NSA Surveillance Program saying,
“I think it’s good that it is in operation.
I think it has, in fact, saved lives and kept us free
from other attacks.”
Dick Cheney also call Snowden a “traitor."
He said, “Snowden may be a CCP spy.”
“That’s not a place (China) where you ordinarily want to go
if you’re interested in freedom, and liberty and so forth.
So, it raises questions whether or not he had that kind
of connection before he did this.”

Bloomberg News quoted U.S. officials as saying that
the investigators will use the PRISM plan to review all
of Snowden’s email, SMS, online postings, telephone
and other communications.
Investigators will probe Snowden’s finances and search
for any evidence of sexual entrapment or extortion.
They say the Chinese Communists and other countries
still use these techniques to recruit Americans and other personnel.
