














大陆异议作家戴晴:“习近平作为No 1,作为一把手,绝对不会容许某一个派系的力量权势这么大。我觉得要整治他们是百分之百的。至于什么时候,那就要看他们力量的博弈,在一个合适的时机。”



采访编辑/秦雪 后制/孙宁

Zhou Yongkang’s arrest not released
pending further information

The news of the former CPC Politburo Standing Committee,
the sectary of Political and Legal Committee Zhou Yongkang
being captured has appeared once again.

Taiwan “United Daily News" and Canada “Sing Tao Daily"
reported recently: Zhou Yongkang was arrested by the Central
Discipline Inspection Commission which
will be officially announced later.
But nothing has come out until now.

Hong Kong’s “Ming Pao" analyzed that there might be further
information and that’s why the authorities
have not published the news.

Taiwan “United Daily News" reported on 2nd December that
the former Politburo Standing Committee member Zhou
Yongkang was arrested by Central Discipline Inspection
Commission on 1st December on charges of corruption.
This broke the unwritten customs of “The punishment is
not with the Standing Committee " in China.

Canada “Sing Tao Daily" quoted sources saying, the CCP
conveyed an important document to the department level,
assistant department level and bureau level officials about

Zhou Yongkang’s arrest for his coup attempt and
corruption on 2nd December.
The authorities will investigate his serious problems within his
political, economic life as well as life style.

Former Secretary of the State Council General Office Yu
Meisun believes that Zhou Yongkang is most likely caught.

Yu Meisun: Since the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth
Central Committee, Zhou Yongkang’s henchmen and cronies have
all fallen or been arrested including people of PetroChina,
his former secretaries and his family members.
It’s possible that the final one is Zhou Yongkang.

Yu MeiSun said: All on the grapevine are true based on
Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai’s proof.
All rumors can become true eventually.

Hong Kong “Ming Pao Daily" quoted the latest news saying,
Zhou Yongkang indeed has restricted freedom, but the
authorities would not publish this,
pending further information.

The secretary of former CCP General Secretary Zhao Ziyang,
Bao Tong said that the CPC the Politburo Standing Committee
is equivalent to a collective president.

It’s a major event to arrest a former Standing Committee
member and should be clear.

The secretary of the former CCP General Secretary Zhao Ziyang,
Bao Tong: I think the CPC Central Committee or the CPC
Discipline Inspection should dispel the rumours.

If “Ming Pao”news is not right, how can they act stupidly?
Is it said to have caught rumor recently.
It should be dispelled if it is a rumor, otherwise announced.

After the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteen Central
Committee, the mainland website “Caixin" exclusively reported
on 22nd November that a cadre of the original China National
Offshore Oil Corporation Mi Xiaodong was
taken away before “10.1”.

It is said that Mi Xiaodong was responsible for taking care of
sea and onshore fields of the oil trading business on behalf
of a back person—Zhou Bin.

It is also reported that Zhou Bin and his relatives were
suspected of achieving high returns from two high production
areas of “Changqing Oilfield” by dishonorable means.

Zhou Bin is said to be born in January 1972 and graduated
from the Southwest Petroleum University.
He is a major shareholder and former chairman of Beijing
Zhong Xu Solar Energy Technology Co., Ltd.
The article did not mention the relationship between
Zhou Yongkang and Zhou Bin.
But we all know that Zhou Yongkang son’s name is Zhou Bin.

Another report from Caixin website on 25th September this year
introduced Zhou Bin’s wife and father in law in detail.
It iss said that Zhou Bin’s father in law Huang Yusheng is the
president of the US Hysco Corporation which is not a big
company and mainly engaged in
research and engineering equipment.

Bao Tong: Since Caixin website is a continental publication,
it will be dangerous if it’s not true.
Since nothing has happened to it, it might be true.

Mainland dissident writer CCP Marshal Ye Jianying’s adopted
daughter Dai Qing said Xi Jinping will not tolerate this,
since the “Petroleum Gang" and “Law Committee"
are too powerful in China.

Mainland dissident writer Dai Qing: Xi Jinping won’t allow
any certain group to have such great power since
he is the president in China.

It’s one hundred percent certain, he will
crack down on those people.
Just that it will occur at an appropriate time
when their strength is comparable.

“Ming Pao" commented that the CCP’s anti-corruption has
optional specific directions.
The reason to arrest Zhou Yongkang is because he is close
to the former Chongqing secretary Bo Xilai.

According to the U.S. “The Epoch Times" news reported, the
former Politburo Standing Committee Zeng Qinghong and the
former leader Jiang Zemin reluctantly chose Xi Jinping as
Hu’s successor during the seventh congress.
But they were afraid of liquidation based on the persecution
of Falun Gong practitioners;
so Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong plotted
a coup and Zhou Yongkang was responsible for implementing it.
They attempted to destroy Xi Jinping and
let Bo become the host.
Finally, it was exposed because of Bo’s valuable assistant
Wang Lijun escaping.
