【禁闻】周永康倒台 郭声琨 汪永清表效忠习



















采访编辑/李韵 后制/舒灿

High Level Communist Officials Pledge Allegiance to Xi’s Leadership

Following the fall of former Central Political
and Law Committee (CPLC) member Zhou Yongkang,
Minister of Public Security Guo Shengkun and the CPLC
Secretary-General Wang Yongqing have both pledged
allegiance to the Communist Central.

Guo Shengkun is demanding loyalty, purity, and reliability
from the armed forces to the party central headed
by Xi Jinping, while Wang Yongqing says no “fence-sitters"
are allowed among law enforcement cadres.

CPLC Secretary-General Wang Yongqing gave an address
at a CPLC meeting.
He required in-depth study of Xi Jinping’s speech
and prohibited indicisiveness.

On Jan. 4, in an Armed Forces party committee meeting,
Minister of Public Security Guo Shengkun also insisted upon
following the Party Central headed by Xi Jinping.

Last Aug., before the trial of former Chongqing Party
Secretary Bo Xilai, Guo Shengkun had called for
absolute loyalty to Xi Jinping from senior public security
officials as well.

Political commentator Wang Beiji interprets this as using
mind control over the political and law system
and the armed forces by the regime before
the official announcement of Zhou Yongkang’s arrest.

Wang Beiji, political commentator: “This reflects the uneasy
state of the regime.
The political and legal system, the public security system
and the armed force system are party-ruled under the regime
rather than ruled by a common interest in the people."

China affairs analyst Zhang Tianliang indicates that taking
a political stance always becomes an issue during a political
struggle within the Communist Party.

Zhang Tianliang, China affairs analyst: “In fact, demanding
that a political stance be taken has never ceased since
Bo Xilai was sacked last year, beginning at the military
and going to the armed police.
This pledge of loyalty reflects the split within the regime."

Since the downfall of Bo Xilai in 2012, military princelings
who had close ties with Bo have expressed their severing ties
with Bo and have shown their loyalty to Hu Jintao
and Xi Jinping.
Zhang Zhen’s son, political commissar of the Second
Artillery Force Zhang Haiyang, Ye Jianying’s son,
the princeling spiritual leader Ye Xuanning, Li Hsien-nien’s
son-in-law, Liu Yazhou, PLA National Defense University
political commissar, have all participated.

Zhang Tianliang: “These people set an example for those
who are still watching.
Hu and Wen had relatively loose control of the military.
Xi Jinping has a much stronger approach.
Expressing their political stance is very important in order
for Xi Jinping to prevail in this political struggle."

Zhang Tianliang analyzes that Wang Yongqing and
Guo Shengkun’s allegiance shows that Xi Jinping
has prevailed over his political opponent,
the Jiang faction.

In less than a month, Zhou Yongkang, Central Military
Commission Vice Chairman Xu Caihou, followed by
Deputy Minister of Public Security Li Dongsheng
was all detained and interrogated.

Hong Kong media has recently quoted sources who said Zhou
Yongkang’s godson KongTao, a State Security official, was
arrested on Dec. 29, and Jiangsu Provincial Party Secretary
Luo Zhijun, who also had close ties to Zhou Yongkang’s case,
was also placed under investigation.

Commentator Xing Tianxing indicates Zhou Yongkang
had absorbed a large number of adherents
in the public security and armed forces in his many years
at the Politics and Law Committee.
Those people are faced with issues of declaring loyalty
or being cleaned out.

Xing Tianxing, commentator: “Take Kong Tao as an example.

He was in the National Security Ministry, under the umbrella
of Zhou Yongkang’s political and legal system.
Many people were promoted by Zhou.

Following the arrest of many Zhou cronies, those who were
promoted by Zhou certainly must feel very uneasy right now."

The CPLC data show that in three months after
the 18th National Congress, as many as 453 officials
have been detained and interrogated and 12 officials
from the CPLC system have committed suicide.

Following Bo Xilai’s life imprisonment sentence, 18 officials
of the provincial and ministerial level were sacked.
The majority were followers of Jiang Zemin
and Zhou Yongkang.
With the regime led media propaganda regarding capturing
“the big tiger," (weeding out corrupt officials, most of whom
are reported to belong to the Jiang faction) Chinese search
engine Baidu has also lifted the search bans
on “crimes of Jiang Zemin, Zeng Qinghong, Luo Gan,
and Zhou Yongkang in the persecution of Falun Gong."

Xing Tianxing notes that Xi Jinping’s ‘big tiger’campain
has come the final stage.
Jiang Zemin and Zeng Qinghong, the puppet masters
behind Zhou Yongkang, are next at the historical trial.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/ShuChan
