


今年中国新年同学聚会,大陆诞生了一个新的族裔–恐聚族。各种主流网站也出现了大量文章,来讨论“恐聚族”出现的社会现象。 《中新网》以“ 同学聚会催生恐聚族,致青春变成名利场”为题,描述同学聚会变成了攀比会、显摆会、商务会。














采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李智远

Fear for Money and Violence Spawn “Party Phobia" in China

Recently, a new term “Party Phobia" was invented
in mainland China.
This term describes the psychological fear of those when
their rich classmates exceedingly show off wealth
in class reunions.

Indeed, “Party Phobia" is seen not only among classmates,
but also in talking about marriage or making New Year visits.
Some commented that, currently in China, the meaning of
many parties has changed because of fear
for showing off wealth.

On the other hand, parties of petitioners are overshadowed
by their fear of unruly political power.

Anchor: Party, party, it sounds so sweet, but
really frightens me.
Friendship between classmates and childhood friends
is no longer seen.

New Year class reunions in 2014 have spawned a new group
in China, people with “Party Phobia".
A great number of articles were then published on major
websites in discussing such a social phenomenon.
Chinanews.com published an article titled “Class Reunions
Spawn Fear for Party, Memories of Youth Buried
in Vanity Fair", which tells how parties among classmates
had become shows of wealth, social status and business.

The article reports, class reunions have become one of
the “Nine Fears" during New Year’s Holiday, as they are full
of self-display, showing off wealth and business-like talks.

Money, house and car have become the main topics at a party,
therefore many people have become fearful of
meeting their old classmates.

BBC’s Chinese website published an article written by
commentator Tong Kezhen.
Tong accused those who show off their wealth in class
reunions, of forcing violence upon others by money.

Tong Kezhen said, in class reunions the rich group usually
showed off their wealth, dictated to others, teased
waitresses or even brought bodyguards with them.

They extravagantly spent money at luxury venues which is
indeed a “violence by money" against low income families.
Those acts of self-display have become horrifying
“spiritual garbage" as they continue to hurt others.

In addition, some Chinese fear for going back home as
they don’t have enough “gift money" for the Chinese New Year.

Tong Kezhen, Chinese Social Commentator: Gift money
used to be a blessing, but nowadays it is regarded by many
as a tool of making some income.

The increasing amount of gift money prevents people
from going home if they haven’t earned much.
We are having a much less taste of the Chinese New Year
in comparison to before.

It was reported that showing off money not only
exists among classmates.
Schools also arrange alumni reunions like recruitment
meetings for investment.
The order of seats is determined by money:
the richer, the better.
Only alumni with more power have the right to speak
and ordinary ones can only listen to their talks.
Even when taking group photos, people with money
or power will be put in the middle and their older aged
teachers sometimes have to stand to the side.

Yang Weidong, Chinese Independent Producer:
Some people do take pride in their riches.
But how did you earn that money?
Now our social values have been completely distorted.
Acts that used to be regarded as shameful are
now becoming popular.
Ordinary people who play no tricks are feeling inferior
as they are not rich.
But the right thing is, if I never hurt others to benefit
myself, if I never make money in immoral ways,
if I never bribe those powerful individuals,
I should feel justified and content
as I am a ‘clean’ person.

Coal magnate of Shanxi province Xing Libin threw a
70 million yuan (US $11 million) reception for his daughter’s
wedding, despite the fact that he made that money by
embezzling state property and still failed to pay his workers.
With six Ferraris leading the fleet, the wedding was made
to be like the CCTV New Year’s Gala as many famous
TV stars and actors showed up.

Another “state-backed" Chinese businessman
Chen Guangbiao, had made a wall with 16-tons of 100-yuan bills
to show off his wealth.

Liu Yiming, Chinese Freelancers: Our social climate hasn’t
changed much over these years.
Most people seek nothing but money, leading to
the trend of showing off wealth.
That is why many Chinese fear these parties.

A lot of them have no ideology in equality, otherwise
they would not be that frightened.

Compared to the “temperate" fear of others flashing money,
parties of dissidents and victims of forced demolitions are
usually overshadowed by a much stronger fear of being arrested
by the party that could happen at any given time.

Yang Weidong:"There is another type of fear.
Once you criticize the government a little bit, you can
be arrested in no time.
Our society has now lost its most fundamental
fairness and justice.
Xu Zhiyong is a clear example of that.
Furthermore, the party’s government is even more
frightened than their people, otherwise why does it have to
persecute brave speakers in such a cruel manner?"

Chinese independent producer Yang Weidong said,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) nervousness towards
citizens’ meetings can only drive Chinese people to further
question its legitimacy in ruling.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/LiZhiyuan
