【新唐人2016年08月04日讯】 (记者张宁综合报导)星期三从温哥华飞往渥太华的一架西捷(WestJet)班机,途中接获炸弹恐吓,当局为了安全紧急降落雷湾机场,机上125名乘客和机组人员所幸“躲”过一劫。
#tbay police have blocked off a part of #thunderbayairport as a flight has made an emergency landing .@cbctbay pic.twitter.com/xpzL8j4NmW
— Michael Dick (@CBC_Michael) August 4, 2016
Police are allowing city busses to meet plane that s apparently made an emergency landing. #tbay .@CBCNews .@CBCTBay pic.twitter.com/ikwipBccfr
— Michael Dick (@CBC_Michael) August 4, 2016
We received a threat against flight #WS142 from Vancouver to Ottawa tonight. Authorities determined it to be non-specific and non-credible.
— WestJet (@WestJet) August 4, 2016
本文网址: https://cn.ntdtv.com/gb/2016/08/05/a1279585.html