Seaweed Tofu Soup Simple Recipe
材料 Ingredients (四人份量/4 people portions):
一张紫菜 1 sheet of dried seaweed
一转滑豆腐 1 block of tofu
鱼蛋共八粒 8 Fish balls
四粒贡丸(内有香菇,猪肉)4 Mushroom pork balls
四粒牛丸 4 Beef balls
适量芫荽葱 Some spring onions and coriander
两茶匙冬菜(冲水后才用)2 TBS salted vegetables (rinse before use)
七百毫升鸡汤或瑶柱鸡汤 700ml chicken stock / conpoy chicken stock
本文网址: https://cn.ntdtv.com/gb/2018/03/18/a1367943.html