
Dinosaur Themed Restaurant a Hit in Taiwan

Edward Wu

1. replicate: v. 复制
2. regardless of: prep.phr. 不管;不顾
3. affordable: adj. 负担得起的
4. stinky tofu: n. 臭豆腐
5. soy sauce: n. 酱油
6. sesame oil: n. 麻油

The three-story Jurassic Restaurant in Taipei seats 500 people and opened its doors in 1988. It is one of Taiwan’s first themed restaurants that attracts many local and foreign visitors.

[Huang Pei-Song, Restaurant Owner]: “Our idea was to have a theme that cannot be easily replicated. After we thought of what should be the theme, we decided on dinosaurs. So why dinosaurs? Simply because they do not exist now. Regardless of the generation people were born in, they do not exist and so there always remains a sense of freshness. That’s why even after twenty years, new customers are still surprised when they come in here."
[黄培松,餐厅老板]: “我们当初的想法是要有一个不容易被复制的主题。在经过一番思考之后,我们决定以恐龙作为主题。为什么是恐龙呢?很简单,就是因为它们已经不存在了。因此由于这一关键,无论是哪一个世代出生的人永远对它都会产生一种新鲜感。虽然我们已经营了20年,每次有新客人来的时候,他们仍然感到惊讶不已。”

The food is affordable and the menu includes typical Taiwanese delicacies such as stinky tofu and frogs cooked in soy sauce, sesame oil and rice wine.

Weddings and birthday parties are common events in the restaurant.

7. unique: adj. 独特的
8. décor: n. 装璜格调
9. atmosphere 气氛
10. decorate: v. 装饰
11. skeleton: n. 骨架
12. extinct: adj. 濒临绝种的

[Chien Bai-Siew, Customer]:
“The first time I came here I was about 15 or 16 years old. This restaurant is very unique so it left a deep impression. Later on when we have gatherings, we would come here because it is suitable for many people– with the cheerful atmosphere. That’s why we chose to come here today to celebrate my friend’s birthday."

Management believes that the decor makes the restaurant popular.
Dinosaur skeletons are on the roof and on the sides of the building, while 6-metre-long dinosaur skeletons and T-rex skulls decorate the interior.

Customers appreciate the decor. [Chao Shu-Chih, Customer]: “The bathroom design is very special, and also the interior design. Plus it is quite spacious."
客人都蛮欣赏这些装饰。 [赵树植,客人]: “厕所的设计蛮特别的,还有内部的装潢也是。再加上这里很宽敞。”

The restaurant was created during a period of time when Taipei bars were competing with American “Wild West" themes.

The cowboy bars are long gone and although dinosaurs became extinct 61 million years ago, customers still fill at least 60 percent of Jurassic Restaurant’s seats every night.

