
The Berlin Wall: Remembered in Mattresses

Wantan Chan, David Lee

1. mattress n. 床垫
2. foam n. 海绵橡胶
3. display n. 展示
4. neck rest n. 枕头
5. erect(v)竖立、建立

20 years after the fall of the Berlin Wall three young German artists mark the occasion – with mattresses.

Slogans printed on the foam exhibits read ‘Nobody wants to put a wall up’.

Designer Carolin Biegert said much thought went into the design of the items on display.
设计师Carolin Biegert说,许多想法放入了展现出来的细项设计上。

[Carolin Biegert, Mattress Designer]:
“I threw into the circle that it actually looks like a mattress with a neck rest and that we could recreate the Berlin Wall using two pieces of foam."
[Carolin Biegert,床垫设计师]:

East German leaders erected the wall in 1961.

It was put up to stop East Germans seeking a better life in the West

If the wall hadn’t come down in 1989, the three Berlin designers may never have met, as Juliane Zoeller explained.
如同Juliane Zoeller所解释,假如围墙在1989年没有倒下的话,三名柏林设计师可能无法相遇了。

[Juliane Zoeller, Mattress Designer]:
“I am a West Berliner, Josephine is an East Berliner and Caro moved here from southern Germany. We felt that as we have so many different points of view and also were at an age where we realized what was going on that we could allow ourselves not to take the whole thing too seriously."
[Juliane Zoeller,床垫设计师]: “我是西柏林人,Josephine是东柏林人,而Caro则是从德国南部搬来这里。我们觉得,因为我们有这么多不同的观点,而且同处于了解发生了什么事的年代,所以我们能够容许自己,不要把整件事看得太过严肃。”

Josephine Rank, who was born in East Berlin in 1969, had the most to gain from the fall of the wall.
1969年生出东柏林的Josephine Rank,从柏林围墙的倒塌,有着最多的心得感触。

6. custody(n)拘留、监禁
7. amnesty drive (n)特赦行动
8. demise(n)死亡、终止

[Josephine Rank, Mattress Designer]:
“I experienced the fall of the wall in East Berlin. I had spent the previous summer in investigative custody, because I had half-made an attempt to escape. I didn’t really mean it seriously. I was very young, I wasn’t being careful, I hadn’t really thought about it that much. Only when I was sitting in investigative custody, did I realize that it was very serious. Then I was released as part of an amnesty drive," Rank said.
[Josephine Rank,床垫设计师]: “我在东柏林经历了围墙的倒塌。因为我尝试逃离未遂,我在调查拘留中度过了先前的夏天,我不是真的故意这么做,我那时非常年经,行事不谨慎,真的没有想太多。直到当我坐在调查拘留所,我才了解事情的严重性。后来,我因为部分的赦免令而被释放。”

November 9, the date of the wall’s demise, marks the symbolic ending of the East-West divide.

The Berlin exhibition is a timely celebration of an event that still echoes around the world.

The mattresses are on sale: around 150 Euros each.


