New Zealand Earthquake Efforts Transitions to Recovery Operation
By Jianyi Shi, David Lee
1. transition [trænˋzɪʃən] n. 过渡; 过渡时期
2. recovery [rɪˋkʌvərɪ] n. 重获; 复得
3. authority [əˋθɔrətɪ] n. 权, 权力; 职权
4. survivor [sɚˋvaɪvɚ] n. 幸存者, 生还者; 残存物
5. devastate [ˋdɛvəs͵tet] vt. 使荒芜; 破坏; 蹂躏
6. collapse [kəˋlæps] vi. 倒塌
7. trap [træp] n. 陷阱, 罗网, 捕捉器
8. bearable [ˋbɛrəbl] a. 能耐的; 忍得住的
9. estimate [ˋɛstə͵met] vt. 估计, 估量
10. machinery [məˋʃinərɪ] n. 机械
11. survivor [sɚˋvaɪvɚ] n.生还者
New Zealand authorities have given up hope of finding any more survivors after last week’s devastating earthquake hit Christchurch.
The city’s mayor, Bob Parker, said they transitioned from rescue to recovery.
[Bob Parker, Christchurch Mayor]:
" Those are the words that nobody in this city, none of the families, none of the friends, here and overseas, I’d imagine anywhere wanted to hear. “
Seventy-seven people were pulled out alive after the quake caused buildings to collapse, trapping people.
The last survivor found was the day after the quake hit.
[John Key, New Zealand Prime Minister]:
“Today is a day where we as a nation along with our many friends around the world mark with a heavy heart and great sadness these moments of unbearable loss for all of the families involved."
The death toll is at 161, but police estimate the final number may be as high as 240.
Moving away from the rescue operation will allow the teams to use heavy machinery on collapsed buildings, instead of the methods used when searching for survivors.
本专栏由前卫英语李德良老师主编 www.davidlee.url.tw
New Zealand authorities have given up hope of finding any more survivors.
Police estimate the final number may be as high as 240.