【禁闻】胡佳 路青上书人大 批克格勃条款



















“KGB Clauses” Opposed

The famous human rights activist Hu Jia was recently freed
from prison. Hu and Beijing artist Ai Weiwei’s wife, Lu Qing,

wrote a letter to the National People’s Congress (NPC),
criticizing new provisions related to surveillance, detention,

and arrests in the draft of Criminal Law Amendment. They
called them ‘KGB clauses’ and think they should be deleted.

Chinese human rights lawyers all condemned the attempts
to legalize enforced disappearances and secret detentions.

Criminal Law Amendment called for public comments
on its revised draft, with September 30 being the deadline.

In the month for comments it received unprecedented
challenges from the public, and was rebounded and blasted.

Beijing News, Qianlong Network, Global Network and
numerous media in China also reported on people’s worries,

that “early notice may impede the investigation" and other
circumstances may cause secret arrests to become endemic,

leading to the legal system falling on its back.

Up to September 30, about 80,000 people
from all walks of life submitted their suggestions

on the provided for that website
“Comments’ system of the NPC for law drafts”.

Many wrote to the National People’s Congress
to oppose the unacceptable law.

Mo Ping (Beijing human rights lawyer): “In the 99 revised
provisions, the expansion of public power is far greater,

than the intensity of private rights protection. For example,
many are concerned about the living under surveillance point,

which actually legalizes the enforced disappearances
and the secret detentions."

Under the new clause, once approved by Procuratorate
or public security authorities, surveillance may not be done

only at the suspect’ residence. It also allows for not notifying
family members of the surveillance’ reasons and locations,

for up to six months. Related charges include alleged crimes
against national security, major briberies and other.

Enforced disappearance (81 days) was used for Ai Weiwei.
His wife, Lu Qing sent a letter to the NPC Law Committee

on September 28, and pointed out that the amendment
to turn residential surveillance into a secret detention,

which is in flagrant violation of the Constitution, is a legal
setback for China and shows deterioration of human rights.

Hu Jia, Beijing human rights activist, also sent a letter
to the NPC Law Committee on September 29.

He was sentenced in 2008 to three years for ‘inciting
subversion of state power’, and was released in June 2011

Hu Jia: “In 2006, I was abducted and secretly detained for 41
days. I had cirrhosis of the liver after coming back home.

I know the secret arrests and detentions are completely dark,
autocratic, feudal guard style, fascist secret police practices.

So we have to stand up against them."

Hu Jia said the suspects’ detention in secret locations, is
a painful torment for them, their parents, spouses and children.

It lacks basic humanity towards innocent suspects
and their families.

He pointed out that these KGB-style red terrors not only
happened to him, but also to many human rights lawyers,

dissidents, artists, petitioners,
and families of political prisoners.

Hu Jia: “It adds secret arrest and it mainly serves the charges
of ‘inciting subversion of state power’,

which packaged with ‘crimes against national security’
is the sharpest sword in the suppression of free speech.

Ai, Chen Guangcheng, Teng Biao, and Jiang Tianyong went
missing like that. Their families weren’t notified for a while."

Hu pointed out that if NPC passed the new provisions,
it will bend backward, making the judicial abuse of power

to have no restrictions at all, setting back the legal process.
He called for the deletion of this amendment’s provisions.

Economic Observer Online published an article
by Zhang Peihong, an experienced criminal defense lawyer,

titled ‘The revised draft of the Criminal Law
is a complete victory of the police syste’.

The human rights organization ‘Dialogue’, based in HK,
points out that if such a change is made to the criminal law,

more and more people will suffer enforced abductions.

On August 30, the first International Day
of Enforced Disappearance Victims,

United Nations Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary
Disappearances issued a statement,

that enforced disappearance is a criminal act and a violation
of “Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance."

Whether it is used for actions against terrorism,
organized crime or repression against people,

seeking democracy, freedom of speech or religious rights,
it should be investigated, prosecuted and punished.

Netizens in China continue to oppose the unjust law.
The legal forum ‘End of the World Community’ appealed,

“To make sure our children no longer live in a police ruled
society, please pay attention to Criminal Law Amendments!"

Hu Jia pointed out, KGB clauses can bring terror to anyone
at anytime. He called upon all China citizens with conscience

to stand up, asking authorities to think it over and not allow
more cases like the one of human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng.

NTD reporters Lin Li, Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yu
