【禁闻】推社会主义价值观 中共欲称霸世界
















今年3月,中共对联合国授权向利比亚发动袭击投出弃权票。 10月4号,联合国安理会谴责叙利亚政府武力镇压民众的议案,又遭到中共的否决。中共连番举动引起欧美领导人愤怒和失望。


China’s has just concluded its 6th Plenary Session of
the 17th Central Committee.
At the congress, the CCP revealed it will be building up
its so-called socialist cultural power.
It claims that to gain international recognition,
the regime needs to strengthen its cultural influence.
Some scholars say that the CCP wants to spread
its communist values to the West and in so doing conquer
the world.
Will the CCP succeed in its ambition?

The four-day Plenary Session ended on October 18th.
Members of the public are concerned over its reform.
The congress passed a new resolution to: “Deepen the
Reform of the Cultural System, Promote Socialist Cultural
Development and other Important Issues."

Chen Shaofeng, Beijing’s University Vice Director, claims
that the new resolution was the highlight of the congress.
But Shaofeng says that the current development of
the Chinese Culture neither matches with the economic and social development,
nor does it match with China’s international influence.

Chen went on to say that the new resolution means
that the CCP is trying to promote the idea that
China’s economic power goes hand in hand with
cultural power and it is trying now to be seen as a global leader.

Overseas scholars comment that the resolution highlights
the CCP’s cultural manipulation and its ambition to govern the world.

Liu Yinquan believes the CCP understands now that
to simply rely on economic power
and military rule is not enough to conquer the world,
and it is now relying on cultural dominance.

[Liu Yinquan, Director, U.S. International Publisher]:
“I believe the CCP’s aim will be difficult to achieve.
As I know, the CCP’s culture is based on Marxism-Leninism,
Mao Zedong’s ideology, De Xiaoping’s theory,
Jiang’s Three Represents, and the concept of science’s
development. There will be no practical breakthrough.”

Liu also stated that the CCP would find it hard to break away
from its atheist framework and its materialistic culture.
And without improving on both, it will not become the world’s
mainstream culture nor be accepted by a global audience.

So what kind of culture is the CCP promoting?

Dr. Ye Ke, of the University of Southern California
Public Policy Division, points out that the CCP is promoting its own communist party culture.

[Dr. Ye Ke, Uni. of Southern Cali. Public Policy Division]:
“The party culture is based on intrigue and revolutionary model operas.
Their main themes are against universal values that
are accepted worldwide.
In fact CCP’s culture is incompatible with
the mainstream.
Such a dictatorial culture, such a hypocritical deformed
culture, how can it match with global standards?"

Former Chinese national basketball player Chen Kai is
now living in the U.S. He tell us of his past experience.
While many envied his position and status in China,
he says his heart was dead under the CCP’s rule.

[Chen Kai, Former National Basketball Player]:
“The CCP understands very well that by depriving people of
their souls,
their (CCP’s) own positions become more stable.
It’s simple, if everyone lives like an undead, like the CCP,
if everyone lives without values, sense of justice or dignity,
then the CCP can sit securely on its position.
If the CCP turns the entire world like this,
the CCP can then dominate the world."

When trying to do business with China, some western
companies have sponsored the CCP’s propaganda film
“The founding of a Party." Chen Kai pointed out that
when doing business with a dictatorship, one might end up being eaten by it.

Recently, the public image of the American Ambassador
Gary Locke was debated by both Chinese officials and the general public.
Even though Locke’s American values
are seen by the Chinese regime’s media as a form of
“new colonialism", Locke was very welcomed by the
general public.

Dr. Ye Ke also pointed out that in western society,
Government officials are there to serve the general public,
but it is turned upside down in China.

[Dr. Ye Ke, Uni. of Southern Cali. Public Policy Division]:
“The culture the CCP talks about and its external propaganda, are all there to cover up itself.
Right now the CCP is very outdated and weak cultural wise.
So it must throw out a slogan, or a superficial claim to grab the right to speak.
However, real culture is not superficial, it has inner values.
When meeting with international circles, how do you treat such an issue?
When facing opposition from other countries and
when common citizens are being persecuted by a dictatorship, which side are you on?"

Last March, the Chinese Regime did not vote in regards to
the UN resolution on Lybia.
Then again this month, on Oct. 3rd, the CCP opposed the UN Security Council’s resolution to
condemn the Syrian government for using the military against
its civilian protesters. This actions have left Western leaders
furious and disappointed with the Chinese Regime.

NTD reporters Zhou Yulin, Li Jing and Xiao Yu
