Can Little Yue Yue Awaken Chinese People?
Last week, the toddler Yueyue was knocked down by a vehicle
outside a market in Foshan, China.
After days of treatment, she ultimately passed away.
Many people placed flowers at the accident site as a memorial.
Along with the bouquets, words on small pieces of paper mourned
Yueyue and called for people “to reject indifference” and to “show love.”
Zhu Xinxin, who works in media, attributed the reason to
tyranny and lack of faith.
Yueyue was knocked down near her home in Foshan, Guangdong.
The drivers have been arrested.
However, after the accident, 18 passersby left the little girl in blood.
Such a cold community startled the international community.
People criticize the drivers and passengers, and at the same
time begin to reflect on the moral situation in today’s China.
After the incident, some Chinese intellectuals called for
legislation to punish those indifferent passengers.
But, the public doubts that moral issues can be resolved by law.
Zhu Xinxin, former freelancer and editor of Hebei People’s Radio,
said, that faith is above law and politics.
It is political tyranny and lack of faith that
led China to today’s problems.
Zhu Xinxin: “Chinese society has been extremely utilitarian,
treating political power as an idol for worship.
That’s the reason for this tragedy.”
How can Chinese society return to conscience and morality?
Zhu Xinxin: “First, it is necessary to completely destroy the
authoritarian regime, and move toward freedom, democracy and constitutionalism.
That will provide room for moral construction.
Besides, everyone should start within himself to improve morality.
To reject lies while facing such issues is also part of moral building.”
Zhu Xinxin said that Mao’s atheism destroyed Chinese
people’s morality and respect for life.
Atheism is the most destructive cancer for China.
Some Guangdong lawyers are drafting a “Good Samaritan law."
It legally sanctions punishment to indifferent passers-by,
and protects those who take risks to offer help in times of danger.
However, Liu Kaiming, scholars on Chinese issues, said that
if the current society maintains its social system, laws cannot help.
Liu Kaiming, director of Shenzhen Institute of Social Research:
“Today, one needs to be registered for buying a kitchen knife,
or to buy train tickets, and needs to be checked to take a subway.
However, there still is not any official property declaration system.
Government spending is never open to the public.
It is simply wrong to call for confidence building and conscience
among the public instead to the government first.”
A Chinese netizen said that Chinese government ignores and
violates human rights.
It should therefore take responsibility for the collapse of
morals and value systems.
The message reads, “The Government takes the lead to
persecute people.
How can it accuse people for not offering help?"
NTD reporters Zhang Lina, Li Ting and Guo Jing