【禁闻】孔庆东骂港人是狗 港人怒围中联办











《开放》杂志执行编辑 蔡咏梅:“中共支持孔庆东,孔庆东就是中共的一个打手,凡是敢于批评中国政府的个人甚至是一个报纸、新闻记者都被他骂,骂人家是汉奸,他那个汉奸的棍子到场乱打。”


《开放》杂志执行编辑 蔡咏梅:“香港这种对文化的保护,都不符合中央集权下统治者的意识形态的。中共官方不可能像他这样出来骂,但需要(像他这样的人)像狗一样的出来咬。”





Kong Qingdong Insulted Hong Kong People Like Dogs

Kong Qingdong Professor at Peking University, recently once
again smeared, insulting Hong Kong people like dogs.
Kong’s abuse aroused public outrage in Hong Kong and the
mainland. On January 22nd, over 100 local citizens gathered.
They were around Liaison Office of the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) in Hong Kong.
The demonstrators strongly demanded Kong Qingdong’s
apology to the people.
Scholars say that behind Kong’s smearing is the CCP
Regime which is giving him backup.

Chinese New Year’s Eve fell on January 22nd, a cold day.
Yet the chill did not diminish Hong Kong people’s anger.
Mr. Chen, a local resident says that this time
Kong Qingdong enraged the entire Hong Kong people.

Mr. Chen: “He even smeared publicly and hard-heartedly
refused to admit fault. What do you call a person like this?
Every country or every region may have its own language.
I speak Cantonese in Canton, what’s wrong with that?
How did I offend him? I believe that on this issue,
all the Hong Kong people will have the same view.
We won’t let him just do in this way. “

That afternoon, over 150 Hong Kong citizens responded
to the online appeal to gather near the local CCP Liaison Office.
Their slogans were: Down with barking-like Kong Qingdong
Down with Kong Qingdong. End one-party dictatorship.

Hong Kong citizen: “The one-party dictatorship supports
this person—Kong Qingdong.
He dared to say such things. But without the CCP,
did this thug dare have loose lips? “

The demonstrators marched to the main entrance of the
Liaison Office, while lots of police waited there.
Some protesters threw rubbish and waste papers into the
Liaison Office building in protest.

The New Year’s Eve demonstration derives from Kong’s
live web cast program, “Monk Kong Has Something to Say".
On January 19th, Kong reviewed the Hong Kong people’s
criticism of the mainland children to eat snacks in MTR train.

Kong Qingdong: “I’ve been to Hong Kong many times,
seeing lots of Hong Kong people as inhuman beings.
They deceived in every conceivable means. Few of Hong Kong
tour guides and Hong Kong salesclerks were human.
What did they have to feel proud in front of the mainland
Chinese? I say it again; lots of Hong Kong people are dogs!"

The related videos were swiftly circulated on social websites,
sparking heated discussions.
Numerous netizens’ response posts scolded Kong Qingdong,
questioning why Peking University hires such a professor.

On January 21st, Kong Qingdong once again appeared
at the web cast program on First Video website (Tv.v1.cn)
Kong defended himself and even cursed the South Daily Press
that garbled his remarks and maliciously slandered him.

Tsai Yung-mei (executive editor, Hong Kong Open magazine):
“The CCP backs up Kong Qingdong. He is just a CCP thug.
He smears every individual even a newspaper or news reporter
who dares to criticize China’s regime.
He vilifies others as traitors, using his words as a club that he
has to strike at people. “

Tsai Yung-mei points out Kong Qingdong’s performance is
absolutely not an individual act but with CCP regime’s backup.

Tsai Yung-mei: “The way of the protection of culture in Hong
Kong is not in line with the ideology of CCP centralism ruler.
The CCP finds it impossible to smear as publicly as he did,
but it needs some dogs (like him) to bark in public. “

First Video Group (V1.cn) was reported to be listed in Hong
Kong, with major shareholder, CCP’s Civil Affairs Ministry.

In December, Professor Robert Chung, University Hong Kong
released a recent poll conducted towards Hong Kong residents.
The outcome shows that only 16.6% of Hong Kong people see
themselves as Chinese, the lowest record since 2000.

On January 13th, UK’s Times and Daily Telegraph published
articles, saying the CCP regime was very angry with the result.
The CCP Liaison Office, Hong Kong also claimed Hong Kong
peoples’ talks were “suspected of subverting state sovereignty"

NTD reporters Liang Zhen, Li Jing and Sun Ning
