












Which Chinese Group Is Wantonly Buying Famous Brands?

In recent years, Chinese tourists’ lavish spending overseas
has shocked and puzzled the international community.
Where on earth is all this money coming from?
Are Chinese people really becoming so wealthy now?

Many overseas buyers of famous brands are Chinese youth.

These young people, driving luxury cars, wearing
famous brand clothes, bewilder foreigners .

Professor Feng Xingyuan, deputy director at Beijing-based
Unirule Institute of Economics reviews this phenomenon.
The vast majority of those who spend lavishly are China’s
corrupt officials’ children and the 2nd generation rich, he said.

Feng Xingyuansaid: “China’s hefty state-owned banks and
state-owned enterprises actually control the nation’s economy.
While many of them are run by officials, rather than
entrepreneurs this breeds a lot of corruption.
Many children of officials, of SOEs presidents and of
state-owned banks leaders are living in the West.
A massive amount of capital has flown from China through
these channels. “

Gong Shengli, chief researcher with Beijing-based
China Realities Insight magazine, gives his analysis.
There are 0.2 billion people in China with an average income
of US$1.00 per day.
There is no way to buy famous brands with labor income
in today’s China.

Gong Shengli says: “China’s gray economy covers
three major aspects.
One is government officials’ bribery,
One is entrepreneurs’ ill-gotten gains,
And one is using legal loopholes, for example,
some of China’s rules of law have gone wrong.”

Wang Xiaolu, deputy director of National Economic
Research Institute, China Reform Foundation
told New York Times that this money stemmed from
the gray economy.
Wang pointed out that, China’s gray economy has existed
for many years, on a huge scale.
Especially after the regime launched the economic stimulus plan
in 2008 to cope with the global economic crisis,
the underground economy has shown a faster growth.

Feng Xingyuan said that the 4 trillion economic stimulus plan
had encouraged CCP local authorities to set up vast companies.
The doing of which expanded local debts, also created
another chance for local officials to produce a gray economy.

Ma Jiantang, Chief of the National Bureau of Statistics, said
it is hard to get the high-income group’s real income information.
Thus, up to today, the CCP authorities have not released
Gini Coefficient of China’s urban residents.

Gong Shengli says: “Over the past 62 years, none of
these officials can make their income public.
The statistics went wrong, the tax revenue went wrong, plus
there was unfair income distribution.
When the officials dared not make their income public, then
how could the civilians dare to make public theirs? “

Gong Shengli points out that problem with China’s law
and policy have led to man-made social issues.
Such as inequitable distributions, income inequality and
resource monopolies.
A policy can make a person become a millionaire overnight.

NTD reporters Liu Hui and Wang Mingyu
