中国妇权创办人张菁认为, 从以往多位维权人士逃离中国的事例看,都有其中的内涵,有可能还涉及到政府间的交易。
采访/常春 编辑/尚燕 后制/柏妮
Has a High-Level Official Assisted Chen Guangcheng’s Escape?
Political and Legislative Committee Still Detaining People.
Blind human rights lawyer Chen Guangcheng successfully
escaped his house arrest with the help of his netizen friends.
Sources have revealed that the guards who were
sympathetic to Chen also helped him quietly.
Meanwhile, activists believe that maybe some high-level
officials acquiesced in Chen’s flight.
However, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) still arrested
Chen’s family members and rescuers,
but ignored the international attention.
Who is the man who insists on the suppression?
Hong Kong’s Apple Daily reported on April 30,
that Chen’s successful escape was to take advantage
of the guard’s “deliberate blindness”.
The New York Times reported on April 28 that Chen might
have won the guards’ sympathy and support.
Chen escaped at midnight on April 21, there was a guard
who spread the news all over on the 22nd saying that
something unusual had happened in Dongshigu village.
However, four days later, the CCP was aware that
Chen was missing.
On April 27, after Chen’s arriving at a “safe place”,
he released a video.
In the video he said that a local Political and Legislative
Committee used maintaining “stability” as an excuse,
to persecute him for a long time.
Sources said that there were at least 70-80 people
surrounding Chen’s home to monitor him,
some times over 100 people at least there were
8 blockades of surrounding guards.
The guards included local Political and Legislative
Committee members, village cadres, plain-clothes police,
thugs from a neighboring village, and jobless people.
Local people told media that the guards’ attitudes
were mixed. Some of them were sympathetic to Chen.
The Apple Daily reported that the guards were also threatened
by the authorities.
Some guards had told Chen many times, “If you want to flee,
we will pretend to see nothing, we will die anyway.”
China’s Human Rights Defenders website quoted the guard’s
Words, saying that all the guards,
including those dismissed and those that remained,
had received many death threats from Linyi authorities,
if they leaked any news, they would have their hearts
and eyes taken out.
Another opinion said that, apart from some guards
with consciences awakened,
some high-level CCP officials might also
have sent a message quietly to let Chen go.
Zhang Jing, founder of Women’s Rights in China believes that
many activists who escaped China in the past, had a connection,
which may have been related to trade between governments.
Zhang Jing, “I feel there was an order from high-level leaders.
They won’t openly agree to free Chen,
but could have dropped some hint,
this clearly resulted in Chen running away successfully.
Without leadership’s assistance, I don’t think
Chen’s escape would have been so easy.”
Zhang Jing said that Chen’s escape is a good move for
the U.S. government to promote the need for human rights.
For CCP’s leadership who intended to free Chen,
it is also a good event.
Zhang Jing, “It is like holding a hot potato,
holding too tight will hurt.
With Chen, if held too loose you will lose face,
and it will be hard to deal with.
After all, what interests might be exchanged?
we can’t tell clearly, as it is a deal between the governments.”
Wang Jun, Chairman of the China Democracy Party said that
from overseas’ pro-CCP media’s behavior we can tell that
the CCP internally has different opinions and arguments.
Wang Jun, “After Chen’s fleeing, some overseas media
especially pro-CCP media reported that
the CCP high-level leadership had shifted responsibility
to local officials. It means Chen was abused by the authorities,
the decision wasn’t from high-level leaders
it was an arbitrary decision made by local officials.
After Chen’s escape and his requesting of Wen Jiabao that
3 demands be met, via a video, the authorities still arrested his family members.
Chen’s brother Chen Guangfu, cousins Chen Guangcun and
other relatives were detained.
Chen’s nephew Chen Kegui slashed at town’s mayor
with a knife, he ran away and was chased by a black car.
He Peirong, who rescued Chen Guangcheng,
was arrested at home in Nanjing.
Another rescuer Guo Yushan told friends on Friday that
he was being followed by police, later he disappeared.
Prof. Zhang Tianliang at George Mason University points out
that the world focuses on the Chen Guangcheng issue,
but the Linyi authorities couldn’t resist pressure and are
still arresting people, they must have high-level officials’ support behind them.
All concern on this event, must be related to Zhou Yongkang,
and his Political and Legislative Committee.