【禁闻】朝鲜越境抓渔民 中共媒体“警告”













采访/李韵 编辑/宋风 后制/君卓

Chinese Communist Party Media Warns North Korea

After being arrested and detained by North Korea for 13 days,
three Chinese fishing boats and 28 fishermen returned to Dalian on May 21st.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media changed their usual
practices of low-key reports on the Sino-Korean dispute.
They created high-profile news; “North Korea must abide by
the rules”, and must release the facts behind North Korea
arresting and detaining Chinese fishermen, to influence
the Chinese private sector to focus on North Korea.
Outside comments said the CCP shamelessly spread news
that Chinese fishermen were abused.
They wanted to stir up nationalism and transfer internal
political crisis.

On May 8th, three Chinese fishing boats were controlled by
North Korean military when in the Yellow Sea waters.
28 fishermen were detained. With close negotiations,
North Korea announced on May 20th
they would release the Chinese fishing boats and fishermen,
but fishing supplies were all confiscated.
Most of the crew were also stripped of their clothes and left
with only underwear.

Detained Captain Zhu Chuang said while they were fishing
in Chinese fishing zone,
North Korean soldiers crossed the border,
and forcibly boarded the vessel, detaining all 28 on board.
The fishermen were all detained in a small cabin used for
rubbish, and were not allowed to speak.
All activities were restricted within the small cabin.
Some had not had any food or drink for two days.
Some were beaten, and got many bodily injuries.

North Korean asked for a ransom of RMB 1.2 million,
which they later reduced to RMB 900,000.

To the outside world, China and North Korea are in alliance.

The news that Chinese fishing boats were detained by North
Korea and China was asked a ransom, surprised everyone.

Commentator expert Wu Fan said: “This was done by Jin
Zheng’en to put pressure on the CCP.
He wants to take away something, or he does not want to
listen to the command of CCP;
like stopping nuclear tests, stopping the missile launch, etc.
He did not want to listen, and then he took these actions."

Wu Fan believes that North Korea dares to do this
because of the CCP leadership.
The CCP treats North Korea as an ally, but North Korea
does not regard the CCP as their ally.
Their cooperation is to take advantage of each other for
Self interests.

Some media claimed that North Korea charged a fee from
fishing boats entering Dandong waters through a third party.
This is an open unspoken rule. The amount charged is based
on fishing boats’ engine horsepower, normally not exceeding RMB 50,000.
If you do not pay, you will be arrested,
detained and fined by North Korea.
The fine is up to RMB 200,000. Sometimes they will forcibly
drag fishing boats into Korean waters and then fined.

The CCP behaved uncharacteristically this time publishing
a high profile report in Global Times.
The report entitled “China-DPRK friendship should be visible
and tangible" stressed the “China-DPRK friendship”
But if North Korea behaved badly on specific things,
then China must not allow it".
“North Korea must abide by the rules, respect China’s specific
interests; mostly the lives and properties of Chinese citizens."

Commentator Shi Da said: “the Korean brutal treatment of
Chinese fishermen and conflicts on the border, has lasted a while, and relates to many cases.
It is obvious that the CCP tries to divert attention
by releasing them now.
There are too many domestic political events, so it tries
to use the situation to divert attention away from it.”

Shi Da believes from the South Sea dispute, to announcing
its ally’s provocative behavior,
the CCP tries to arise people’s nationalist sentiment and
divert their attention. It is a bailout plan for the CCP.

According to Caption Han Qiang of boat Liao Dan fisheries
#23536, North Korea forced the crew to sign two documents.
They only release them after that. One was recognizing they
fished across the border, and are willing to accept the penalty.
The second is a releasing document, saying from the DPRK-
China relations, the behavior of the crew was forgiven, but they are not allowed to fish across the border again.

Wu Fan pointed out the CCP just loses face enormously.
It can not protect the fishermen in front of their home. What kind of government is that?
