【禁闻】“爱国”被变调 评:中共惹火烧身











美国“南卡罗莱纳大学”教授 谢田:“对领土的争端,许多国家之间都会有,但是如果这个争端被统治阶层,拿来作为一种暴力统治,和欺骗人民的工具,我觉得这才是中国老百姓,需要认真思考一下的问题。”


79年大陆“民主墙”创办人之一 蔡桂华:“这个有必要要翻开这个历史过程,那么像钓鱼台,曾经在日本和中国建交的时候,早就被周恩来出卖过了,今天日本之所以不顾中国人的感情,跟中共当年那种感恩有关系,如果要不是二次大战,日本入侵中国的话,共产党早就不存在这个世界上了。”





采访编辑/常春 后制/王明宇

CCP plays with fire

Anti-Japanese protests in China over the past few days
reached a climax on September 18.
This is the 81st anniversary of the ‘9.18 Incident’.
Around 100 cities in China held anti-Japanese demonstrations.

Analysts believe that evidence indicates the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) is utilizing the opportunity
to divert attention for it’s infighting and crisis of power,
by ingniting people’s patriotic enthusiasm.

However, when the CCP plays with fire,
it is expected it will eventually get burned itself.

On September 18, anti-Japanese protests
took place in around 100 cities in China.
In large cities such as Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen,
there were incidents involving beatings, vandalism and fires.

It was reported demonstrators threw eggs
and plastic bottles at the (Japanese) embassy.
Many Japanese-owned shopping malls,
stores and restaurants were vandalized.
Jewelry, high-end appliances
and other commodities were looted.
Many Japanese convenience stores, and restaurants
owned by Chinese people were also been damaged.
In order to avoid attacks from angry demonstrators,
a number of Japanese factories shutdown temporarily.

Apple Daily in Hong Kong published a commentary.

It pointed out that Chinese people who have had wolves [CCP]
milk since childhood have xenophobia in the heart.

It will breakout sometimes.

The recent anti-Japanese protests are irrational, and just
‘poisonous flowers’ and ‘evil fruits’of CCP brainwashing.

Political commentator Xia Xiaojiang, said in a normal society,
people have a legitimate way to express their patriotism.

Political commentator Xia Xiaoqiang: “Chinese people
basically have no freedom to express their patriotism.

They have no right to protest.

So large-scale demonstrations that have happened recently
are probably organized and manipulated by the CCP.
People are participating because public
activities have been suppressed for a long time.
Now they finally find a way to find a release from this,
meanwhile to show their discontent to the society."

The commentary points out that the protesters behaviour,
slogans, attacking targets, as well as violent behavior,
all reflect people’s values in China are far from civilization.

Xia Xiaoqiang believes this is not
just that people’s morality is too low.

Xia Xiaoqiang: “It is caused by social environment in China.

With dozens of years of political movements,
the CCP destroyed traditional ethics and culture.

It utilized education as a tool to brainwash Chinese people.

It [CCP] has spread hatred for years,
which resulted in the situation today."

In addition, netizens commented that atrocities like
the Cultural Revolution are happening again in China.
‘Black hands’ are the force behind the scenes,
manipulating the anti-Japanese demonstrations.

Professor Xie Tian, University of South Carolina:
“Territorial disputes exist between many countries.
But if the dispute is utilized by the ruling party as a tool
of violent control and to deceive people, then the
Chinese people should think seriously about it."

In 1979, Cai Guihua, one of the co- founders
of the “Democracy Wall" in China said, the CCP
is trying to cover up their betrayal of the homeland.

Cai Guihua: “It is necessary to reveal this historical process.

Take the Diaoyu islands; they were sold to Japan a long time
ago when China established diplomatic relations with it.
Why does Japan neglect the feelings of Chinese people?
It is related to the CCP’s historical appreciation for Japan.
Without the World War II, and Japan’s invasion of China,
the CCP should have been extinguished long ago."

In 1950, from January 22 to February 14,
Zhou Enlai signed 66 treaties in Moscow.

These treaties betrayed Chinese territories and sovereignty.

In addition, according to incomplete statistics,
in the 26 years of Zhou Enlai’s governance
of China, he personally signed traitorous treaties.

He ceded 4.31 Million square kilometers of China’s territory
to other countries, which is equal to 120 Taiwan-sized islands.

Xia Xiaoqiang: “Jiang Zemin is also a traitor.
He signed the Protocol with Russia in 1999.
Based on investigation, Jiang Zemin officially ceded over
3 million square kilometers of China’s territory to Russia.

This is equivalent to 100 Taiwan-sized islands."

However, Xia Xiaoqiang points out that it is a CCP
method to incite people’s nationalism and patriotism.
The purpose is mainly to divert attention from CCP infighting,
and it"s crisis of governance, in order to maintain its rule.
But this is a double-edged sword, and like playing
with fire, which will get the CCP burned in the end.

NTD reporter Chang Chun
