【禁闻】温家宝感叹“归隐山林” 再呼政改


















Wen Jiabao Calls for Political Reform prior to Stepping down

On the 20th, Wen Jiabao attended his last EU-China
Summit as the Chinese Prime Minister.
He described his future life as “secluded”
while calling for political form.
This is the third time Wen Jiabao mentioned
political reform in the past 10 days.
Commentators say this indicates Wen Jaibao will promote
political reform after he leaves his Prime Minister position.

Wen Jiabao, the soon to retire Prime Minister of the
Communist regime, met local overseas Chinese in Brussels,
prior to his return to Beijing after the EU-China Summit.

During the meeting he said, “I will soon leave my post to live
a secluded life, but my heart will always connect to the country and the people."
He also stressed that in order for the Chinese to live a life
of freedom and equality,
political system reform and the development of
democracy and the rule of law must be insisted upon.

Wen Jiabao frequently participated in activities this September.

Other than the speech in Brussels, he also delivered a speech
at Tsinghua University on the 14th, and attended Summer Davos in Tianjin on the 11th.
He talked about both political reform and his retirement
in those meetings.

Guo Yongfeng, organizer of the Federation of Chinese citizens
who would Supervise the Government (FCSG), indicates that
Wen Jiabao actually disclosed his intention to “retire
but continue to work” and lead political reform after the 18th National Congress.
This practice of retired-but-still-active phenomenon
is common in the Communist regime.
The current leadership wants to affect the succession
who will then continue implementing their policies.

Guo Yongfeng, FCSG organizer: “The power in CCP generally
is inherited, and thus the leader is retired but still active.
It is not a democratic society, where retirement means
you’re completely finished with work and relations.
In the CCP society, it is impossible to completely retire.

Therefore, even though stepping down, Wen Jiabao will
continue to exert his influence. There’s no doubt about it.”

Wen Jiabao has described his determination to enact
political reform as “rain or shine,” until the end of his life.
However, political reform nearly never started.

Political commentator Hu Ping comments that after stepping
down, Wen Jiabao ought to make concrete move in promoting freedom and human rights.

Political commentator Hu Ping: “In his position,
his words have special meaning.
After he steps down, he will not play his role right if he can
not make it clear. He has been a Prime Minister for 10 years.
Not until a couple of years ago did he begin to talk,
because his position was finally more secure in these years.
His international and domestic images have been set.
He knows that his position is secured now.”

In addition, the former Hong Kong Chief Executive Tung
Chee-hwa, recently revealed to CNN that
Xi Jinping will still be the next leader of China, and “current
Chinese President Hu Jintao will most likely maintain leadership of the military after Xi becomes president.”

That Tung Chee Hwa was believed to break the news with
“permission” suggests that Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao will both retire but remain active.

Current affairs commentator Xia Shiaujiang indicates that

previously Jiang’s faction released negative news about Hu,
Wen, and Xi through overseas media and intended to drive a wedge between Hu and Xi.
For example, Xi Jinping could not take over because of
health reasons; Hu Jintao will “completely retire” after the 18th National Congress.
Tung Chee-hwa, in his interview, not only denied the rumor
but also painted a picture of Hu and Xi’s unified relationship.

Taiwan Institute of Chinese Communist Studies researcher
Lin Jia-Ling pointed out in a symposium held on the 21st that
Xi Jinping will maintain Hu’s policy for a while
after taking over the leadership.

Guo Yongfeng believes that under the CCP system,
the fundamental reform will make little progress.

Guo Yongfeng: “First and foremost, the priority is to end
the one-party ruling of the Communist Party.
One-party ruling is a dictatorship and is not going to work.

Political reform should follow the rule of law,
from ordinary people to the officials.
To supervise and regulate the Party,
freedom of speech must convey.”

Earlier, the Hong Kong media reported that according
to information from Beijing,
Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao are likely to stay after the 18th
National Congress to supervise the CCP implementing a format not yet decided on.
It is said that during the National Congress, general secretary
Xi Jinping will propose to restore the Central Advisory
Commission with Hu Jintao as the director and the Chairman
of the Central Military Commission.
In this case, Wen Jiabao would be the deputy director.
