【禁闻】谈政改 太沉重 鸡同鸭讲






旅美民运人士蔡桂华:“至于说这七点真正要做到什么样,真正要做到落到实处,我就觉得这些是漂亮的口号,漂亮的言辞。中国的一部宪法和一部法律,真正…里面(规章)做到多少呢?可以说绝大部分 都做不到,完全都做不到,反过来说变成了一个绝对的权力,绝对的腐败。”








采访/朱智善 编辑/周平 后制/萧宇

Political Reform Remains Difficult as CCP and Chinese Citizens have Different Understandings of its Meaning.

As the 18th National Congress draws great attention
from most global media,
the CCP’s political reform has become a hot topic.

On the other hand, what are the opinions of the Chinese
people themselves toward political reform?
The “Global Investigation Center on public opinions” which is
an affiliated agency of the CCP’s mouthpiece media Global Times, carried out a survey this March.
About 80% of people said they supported some kind of
political reform in China,
meanwhile over 70% of people also acknowledged that
they knew little about what political reform should include.
Only 28.2% said that they understood what
political reform really means.
However, the survey did not tell us what are the
understandings of that 28.2% of people.

An affiliated agency of Global Times,
the Global Investigation Center on public opinions,
once carried out a poll on public opinions of political reform
in 7 major Chinese cities.
When asked about what should be included in the reform,
most people answered that:
“Different levels of governments should
be subject to public supervision”,
“Anti-corruption needs to be strengthened”, “Information on
political affairs should be more open to the public”,
and “More democracy should be introduced into the decision
making procedure in China’s politics”.
The Deutsche Welle remarked that, “Obviously, the Chinese
believe that political reform is equivalent to reform of CCP governmental policy”.

Deutsche Welle’s “Observation of Beijing” channel also
remarked that, in the CCP leaders’ opinion,
“political reform” cannot be allowed to threaten
their one party dictatorship;
therefore the CCP’s political reform will probably only
end with empty talk.

Chinese democrat Cai Guihua told NTD that,

there is an implicit prerequisite behind all the seven points
mentioned by Hu Jintao in the 18th National Congress.
That is, his leading role inside the party has to be established
and the reform can only be carried out under the instructions to be found in his theoretical framework.

(Cai Guihua): ”Talking about what real changes
Hu’s “seven points” will bring to China, I personally regard them as pleasant but empty talk.
Just think of this, how much of the CCP’s constitution and
it’s laws have been really implemented?
It’s safe to say the vast majority of them are being
violated on a regular basis in China.
So on the other hand, we only see absolute power
which leads to absolute corruption.”

Cai remarked that, any political reform subject to one-party
dictatorship regime can only be empty talk because
it won’t bring real changes this of course will mean very little
to the Chinese people themselves.

Professor at George Mason University, Zhang Tianliang
pointed out that,
the CCP authority has different understandings of the term
“political reform” from those of the Chinese people.
In fact, the CCP’s political reform does not touch one-party
dictatorship, ban on political parties and ban on the press.
Zhang Tianliang remarked that, the CCP’s political reform
only includes some changes of administrative procedures,
which does not touch the fundamental problem
of China’s politics.

(Zhang Tianliang): ”If the bans on political parties,
the press and civil political groups were lifted,
some of them might stand up and
defeat the CCP’s organizations in the elections.
Therefore the CCP will never do that. To the CCP members,
their power is not only a resource of profits,
but also ensures their life safety so that their crimes
won’t be known by the public or brought to justice.”

Cai Guihua believes that, a multi-party framework has to
be established as a real democratic regime in China.
In addition, the ban on the press and political parties must
be lifted and more space has to be given
to non-official media to ensure the efficiency of
their role of social supervision.

(Cai Guihua):”Furthermore, citizens should have
freedom and the right to build political parties, unions and civil organizations.
Any political reform is only real and doable and
can benefit the Chinese people when those rights are under absolute protection.
On the contrary, any reform can only be deceptive without
those changes taking place.”

A recent Deutsche Welle report cited words from Zheng
Yushuo, a politics professor from City University of Hong Kong:”
Even if the new CCP leader group has the will to push
the reform, several conditions have to be satisfied first.
Firstly, they need some time to consolidate their power.
Secondly, they need to establish consensus inside the party.
Thirdly, they need to resolve the resistance from
vested interest groups.
These three problems have to solved before the new leader
is able to push through any political reform with his courage and political will.

As the CCP’s political reform becomes a hot topic in global
society, the question is whether the new CCP leader Xi Jinping
who will take his position after the 18th National Congress
has the courage to bring some real changes to China.
The whole world has focused on Xi to see what his answer is.
