【禁闻】中国权势百人榜 高智晟居榜首


“参与”网站发布的“2012年中国权势百人榜”,被网友形容是“专权与维权同坐 、专制强权法西斯与民主异议人士并列、魔鬼与天使同桌。”







其他上榜的政治人物还有李克强、王岐山和刘云山等中共官员,其中李克强的头衔被称为“老二”, 颇为搞笑。而刘云山上榜理由为“口罩流行”,暗讽这位中宣部部长“防民之口甚于防川”。



互联网飞速发展,也捧红了一批媒体人物。在微博中力挺《南方周末报》的台湾艺人伊能静,因敢于直言而遭到当局封喉,但,却赢得了无数网友的支持,因此被称为“年度艺人” ,排名紧随习近平。



采访/李韵 编辑/张天宇 后制/孙宁

Gao Zhisheng: First Among China’s 100 Most Powerful Figures of 2012

Recently, an overseas rights-defending website released
a ranking list of “2012 China’s 100 Most Powerful Figures”.
Gao Zhisheng, prominent human rights lawyer, leads the list.

The ranking put 9th Wang Lijun, former police chief of
Chongqing, for “a slap in the face that saved China”.

“China’s 100 Most Powerful Figures of 2012” was recently
released on Canyu.org website.
Netizens described it as “a sitting side-by-side of
dictatorship and rights defense.
A joining of key figures in fascist autocracy and
democratic dissidence, and of demons and angels.”

Renowned human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng topped the list,
Gao is at present detained in Xijiang’s Shaya Prison.
He won the honor for being “Victim of the Year”.

Gao Zhisheng spoke out for Falun Gong practitioners
who are being persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party.
He was subjected to severe torture by the authorities,
which shocked the world after public exposure.

Wu Fan (Political critic): “Although imprisoned,
he still has influence in the world.
Just days ago, US Congress awarded Gao Zhisheng,
and plans to hold a hearing on his case.
This proves that he is a man with influence.”

Hua Po (Political observer, Beijing):
“Lawyer Gao Zhisheng is a moralist on law.
His imprisonment is a tragedy for China’s legal profession.
Also he was reported to have been tortured in custody.
In today’s civilized society, what Gao Zhisheng has
undergone is pathetic and miserable.
I feel mournful for that. What I expect now is Gao’s early
release, and for him to be able to resume a normal citizen’s life as soon as possible.”

Some other famous rights activists made the list.
They include Cheng Guangcheng, ranked 5th and called “Blind Hero”;
Beijing scholar Guo Yushan, ranked 6th.
This was for having led the group that rescued Chen Guancheng.
Guo has been dubbed “Lightning Hero”;
Zhu Chengzhi, a rights activist in Shaoyang, Hunan province, was called “Righteous Man“.
Zhu was arrested by the CCP on a charge of “inciting
subversion of state power” for having questioned the alleged “suicide” of democrat Li Wangyang.

CCP new leader Xi Jinping holds 10th place,
and was given a name of “New sovereign”.
Jiang Zemin, a typical figure for “interfering in politics and
clinging to political power”, was ranked the 3rd.
He went under the derogatory label of “the old dog”.

Hua Po: “Jiang Zemin is a sunset, I think. His influence
has been weakened since Xi Jinping came to power.
In the future, there will be nothing like Jiang’s
inscriptions, I believe, as Jiang’s era has ended.”

Other CCP officials who appeared on the list include
Li Keqiang, Wang Qishan, and Liu Yun Shan.
Li Keqiang was given the title of “the second”.

Liu Yunshan was tagged as “masks becoming popular”,
an allusion to this new CCP Propaganda chief’s hard-line blocking of the freedom of speech.

Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai were ranked 9th and 17th, both
being recognized as the most influential political figures.
Wang is considered the key figure who “changed China’s
political direction", and was labeled “a slap in the face that saved China”.

Hua Po: “The Wang Lijun incident can be said to have
changed China’s historical process.
The slap in the face was a shock that woke China up and
was an inevitable result, I think.
Bo Xilai’s slap forced Wang to flee into the U.S. consulate.

That accidentally changed the history of China and delivered
a heavy blow to the ultra-leftist force."

Annie Yi, a Taiwanese actress and singer, spoke up for
the Southern Weekly newspaper in the micro-blog.
She was thus muzzled by the CCP authorities, but
won widespread support from netizens in China.
Annie Yi was entitled “Entertainer of the Year",
she was ranked 11th.

Dai Zigeng, president of Beijing News, openly supported
the Southern Weekly while against the CCP’s censorship.

Dai refused to reprint the Global Times editorial that criticized
the Southern Weekly and announced his resignation.
Dai Zigeng was honored with “Newspaperman of 2012”,
and was ranked 79th.

Other successful candidates on the list included human
rights lawyers, entrepreneurs, artists, actors, athletes, and religious personalities.
