【禁闻】专家:瞒报H7N9疫情 后果不堪设想















记者/易如 编辑/张天宇 后制/李智远

H7N9 Outbreak in China: Truth May Be More Serious Than Released Information

Since the Chinese Communist regime officially announced
the first cases of the H7N9 bird flu virus on March 31,
the number of infected persons has increased daily.

As official figures and information are limited,
experts inside and outside China are finding
it difficult to determine what is happening.
Thus, the international communities are urging
the Chinese regime to be transparent, and
not let another SARS tragedy happen again.

According to official Mainland media, people infected
with H7N9 are mainly in the Yangtze River Delta Region.
This bird flu outbreak happened in a close
timeframe to thousands of pig carcasses
being discovered in the Huangpu River.
Most of the people infected with H7N9
have had close contact with poultry.
In addition, thousands of dead ducks were found recently,
making people question where H7N9 virus has come from?

Lin Xiaoxu, Virologist in Washington DC:
“I think the H7N9 cases in Jiangsu and Zhejiang
Provinces may be associated with the recent
dead pigs, ducks and/or wild birds incidents.”

Authorities have stressed that there is no evidence
of human-to-human transmission of H7N9 virus.
However, the first deaths to occur were
of three members of the same Li family.
Later, the victims family accused the hospital
that they didn’t isolate infected patients.
On April 4, one person had close contact
with a patient in Shanghai, and later had fever.
This information seems to show that H7N9 virus
is able to be transmitted from person to person.

Li Xiaoxu: “Generally, some mutations found in the virus
are easy to develop in human cells, with fatal consequence.
It is hard to say whether it can be
transmitted from human to human.”

Media have reported that the UK’s flu expert states the
H7N9 bird flu strain has acquired some genetic mutation.
If the mutation continues, it may
increase the chance of a human pandemic.

Currently, what the Chinese worry about
the most is the authorities’ covering this up.
On this point, a great number of civilians have showed
their discontent and distrust towards the regime.

Mr. Yin, Shanghai resident:
“It has only announced the confirmed infections,
but has not disclosed the figure of suspected cases.
The official information seems to be not so transparent.

If they can make it public, everyone
will consciously take precautions.
The government measures cannot
ensure effective infection prevention.”

Lin Xiaoxu: “So far, China’s authorities have put into use
nationwide resources, in order to deal with the bird flu.
This implies that the regime has known the truth,
which is far more serious than what it has released.”

According to media reports, experts say
that the H7N9 strain is highly pathogenic.
Human beings are easily vulnerable to it,
and infection may lead to a quick death.
If the authorities conceal the truth of the epidemic,
it will result in immeasurable losses and aftermaths.

Lu Jun, Health Service NGO Chief, Beijing :
“The tragedies that have occurred over the past 20 years
show that the authorities have never released the truth.
They have tried hard to cover it up.

If the official prevention measures have made
mistakes, it will create the conditions necessary
for an outbreak and spread of an epidemic.”

So far, too little information about H7N9
is available for worldwide experts.
No new progress has been made on research.

Lin Xiaoxu: “I believe that China’s relevant
administrations have done some research on it.
They just haven’t released the data, or the release is banned.

We have no way to know the entire story,
for the revealed information is very limited.”

Lu Jun says that one of the most effective ways to prevent
and control disease is to ensure the publics right to know.
However, this is the most difficult thing for the CCP regime.
