【禁闻】起诉刘志军 “四个特别”释信号﹖


















采访编辑/常春 后制/薛莉

Sued Liu Zhijun with Four Special that Releases Signals?

Liu Zhijun, the former Minister of Railways of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) was sued officially on April 10.
This is the first big corruption case of CCP senior official.

In addition, the Second Branch of Beijing procuratorate
mentioned four special in the indictment which is rare.
Hong Kong media analyzed that it’s very possible that
Liu Zhijun will be sentenced to death,
or death with reprieve, or a life imprisonment.

A few days ago, Beijing government announced officially that

the bribery, abuse of power case of Liu Zhijun,
the former Minister of Railways and party secretary
was sued by the Second Branch of the Beijing Procuratorate
to the Beijing Second Intermediate People’s Court.
The court accepted the case and will find a day for hearing.

The indictment shows that Liu Zhijun used his position
received others’ property illegally,
“he received an extraordinary amount and
the case is particularly serious”;
he abused the power and practiced favorite himself
which lead the public properties,
the country and the people “endured an extremely
huge loss, his circumstances are especially serious.”

Some Beijing scholars have pointed out that

these four specials that used by the indictment are signals
which shows the sentence will be a heavy one.

Before Liu Zhijun’s case, when the court used “Special huge”,
“extremely serious” and similar other words when
it sentenced the other senior officials which like Cheng Kejie,
the former vice chairman of National People’s Committee,
Xu Zongheng, the former Shenzhen Mayor and
Zhang Chunjiang, the former CCP secretary of China Mobile.

Ren Baiming, a political commentator pointed out that

it’s reasonable that the person like Liu Zhijun is punished
heavily. In the moral side, he is the worst person.
He is like the bad guy gained high position.
In history, all of these kinds of people have a bad end.

Ren Baiming, political commentator: “So I believe that
Liu Zhijun is corrupted in all the aspects, plays ladies, etc..
His case is particularly serious in all aspects which is sure.

So when he was arrested, it didn’t need do a deep research
because all the evils are naked, they are there in fact.”

Lin Zixu, a political commentator also said that the crimes
Liu Zhijun committed are enough to sentence death.

Lin Zixu: “His background is very simple. He is nothing
more than rely on Jiang’s despotic abuses.
Now, Xi Jinping has been completely separated from
Jiang Zemin, it’s entirely possible to kill Liu Zhijun.
Also, the position of Liu Zhijun isn’t so high,
it won’t impact a lot if killed him."

Earlier, Xi Jinping the General Secretary of CCP said
“fight both the flies and tigers”. Lin Zixu analyzed that
it’s very possible that Liu Zhijun will be killed to pave the way
because he hasn’t military and princelings background.

Lin Zixu: “If Xi Jinping really does this, he will win people’s
support as well as to threaten each factions within CCP,
especially Jiang Zemin’s faction, then gained more reputation.”

Linzi Xu also pointed out that there’s a key issue inside:
whether Xi Jinping is brave enough to do it?
He said the black inside of Masanjia labor camp was exposed
in China during these days, the Falun Gong issue which is
the most sensitive one in China society was exposed
which is the key crimes of Jiang’s faction.

Linzi Xu: “This impact is more effective than kill Liu Zhijun,
a man was wanted to be killed by everybody.
So, I think it’s not difficult to make the decision by
Xi Jinping to punish Liu Zhijun to death.”

There’s news that Liu Zhijun and his family had contacted
with lawyer Gao Zicheng and lawyer Qi Xiaohong and
asked them to defense Liu not to be punished to death.

The lawyers felt it’s hard to guarantee it,
and then Liu Zhijun abandoned the entrust.

In addition, the prosecution of Liu Zhijun also made
the outside focused on the sue on other two key members
of Jiang’s faction: Gu Junshan and Bo Xilai.

There’s messages said that Bo Xilai’s case
will not be sued before the second half of this year.
Ren Baiming thought this is a strategy of Xi Jinping
who wants to give officials time to choose a right gang.
Ren Baiming also said that Bo Xilai’s case must be ended,
but now Xi Jinping is new in his position and
CCP officialdom will change the layout
with many officials change their gang.
Xi Jinping will see the attitude of the others by Bo Xilai’s case.

The outside analyzed that after Bo Xilai’s case happened,

the CCP leadership is “fighting Jiang’s faction”
when it deal with Bo’s case. Liu Zhijun is another dagger to flight Jiang.
Some comments thought Liu Zhijun was promoted by Jiang
Zemin, and Liu was moved out in the key point of Bo’s case.
