【禁闻】中韩坚持朝无核化 中朝关系渐复杂
















采访/朱智善 编辑/宋风 后制/李勇

Beijing-Pyongyang – Ties Become Complicated

A joint statement was released after the talks between
S. Korea President Park Geun-hye and Xi Jinping,
President of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The announcement reiterates their nuclear-free stance
towards the Korean Peninsula.
Both sides have expressed their willingness to
work together to this end.
Outside critics interpret that the current situation may
complicate ties between Beijing and Pyongyang.

On June 27, Xi Jinping and Park Geun-hye jointly
released a statement,
“China & South Korea: facing the future”.

Park Geun-hye has said that S. Korea and China have
reached a consensus on the following issues:
the necessity of denuclearization, regional peace,
and the resolving of disputes through dialogue.

The joint statement states that both sides have agreed

that nuclear weapon development has seriously threatened
peace and stability in Northeast Asia and the world.
The goal of denuclearization and maintaining peace
and stability on the Korean peninsula is in the common interests of all parties.
And China and South Korea will, in full accord,
work together to achieve this goal.

Does this mean that the CCP, on the nuclear issue, is now
ready to abandon Pyongyang and join hands with S. Korea?
Experts on China issues give their interpretations.

(Political commentator, USA) Wu Fan:
“Is Beijing going to discard N. Korea? That’s not possible.
Beijing doesn’t actually want to see
a reunification of the Korean Peninsula.
And neither does it expect N. Korea to launch
a nuclear attack on S. Korea.
So now, the CCP actually pulls S. Korea aside, to
resist, together, Pyongyang’s nuclear arms program.”

North Korea has long been known as
the CCP’s “little brother”.
Over the past 50 years, the Kim family has kept
its ruling status with the aid of the CCP.
In recent years, however, the “little brother”
has not followed the CCP’s advice obediently.
It has even prioritized nuclear development,
this has really annoyed the CCP.

Since 2006, Pyongyang has launched three nuclear tests.

The moves encountered heavy criticism from
the international community, as well as sanctions.
Calls on CCP authorities to stop aiding Pyongyang
have risen in the world and in China.

Hong Kong media anchor, Anthony Yuen, has said
that “Each year, we unilaterally offer aid to N. Korea,
worth in excess of 6 billion dollars.
We’d better consider halving it or cancelling it altogether,
so Kim Jong-un may taste the pain of a sharp shock.”

70% of N. Korean foreign trade comes from
transactions with China.
China is also the supplier for N. Korea’s crude oil (90%),
consumer goods (80%), and foodstuffs (45%).
According to S. Korea’s Joong Ang Ilbo newspaper,
Pyongyang has received 100-billion-dollars in aid from China over the past 30 years.

China’s domestic calls for discarding Pyongyang
have been growing.
Critic Wu Fan says that the CCP has warmed up
its relations with S. Korea, but is still wary of this neighbor.
This is because behind S. Korea stands the USA.

Whilst S. Korea is watching out for Pyongyang, too,
as the CCP is the North’s patron.
Wu Fan concludes that these factors have formed
a triangular relationship between these nations.

On one side, CCP authorities are facing
disobedient N. Korea.
On the other side is S. Korea, China’s
fourth largest trading partner.
The complex relationship has complicated
diplomatic ties among the three parties concerned.
Yet, is this “triangle” a real factor that has
disabled the CCP,
in seeking to force Pyongyang to give up its
nuclear arms program?

(Critic) Wen Zhao: “Beijing is the only party that really
understands Pyongyang’s intent, in terms of regional security.
Also, Beijing can exert a key influence over N. Korea
and can even dominate its ruler.
In other words, the CCP authorities are fully capable of
forcing Pyongyang to give up its nuclear program.”

Wen Zhao has noted that N. Korea’s nuclear threat
may force Japan and South Korea to go nuclear.
This will fuel tensions in Northeast Asia,
which is not in the CCP’s interests.
Wen Zhao says that Pyongyang’s economy
is known to be under the CCP’s thumb.
So the CCP has the capability of wielding
decisive influence over N. Korea.

In May, Kim Jong-un sent his special envoy, Cui Longhai,
to Beijing, who conveyed Kim’s personal letter to Xi Jinping.
Wen Zhao says this illustrates Pyongyang’s reaction
to the new round of sanctions.
