

正在日内瓦召开的“第24届联合国人权理事会”大会上,西班牙著名人权律师Carlos Iglésias,点名指控中共前党魁江泽民,对法轮功修炼者犯下了群体灭绝罪行。

9月26号中午,Carlos Iglésias应邀在人权专题讨论会上作专题发言,当天的讨论会由本届联合国人权理事会主席亨克泽尔(Remigiusz Henczel)主持。

Carlos Iglésias在发言中指控,中共前党魁江泽民设计和组织了一整套灭绝成千上万的法轮功修炼者的方案。1999年4月,江泽民在中共政治局会议发言中, 明确提出三条严格指令,要求对法轮功修炼者“在名誉上搞臭”、“经济上搞垮”和“肉体上消灭”,从此,中共开始了对成千上万无辜人们的抓捕、关进劳教营、实施酷刑和谋杀。

Carlos Iglésias同时还表示:前加拿大政府亚太司长大卫‧乔高(David Kilgour)和人权大律师大卫‧马塔斯(David Matas)所做的“活摘器官独立调查报告”,提供了中共强摘活人器官的线索和可靠证据,要求联合国对法轮功学员器官被活摘事件做彻底调查,并制止这一暴行。

在人权专题讨论会上,中共代表多次无理打断法轮功人权代表陈师众的发言后,26号,又故伎重施,再次用拍打桌子和手的粗暴无礼举止,要求会议主席停止Carlos Iglésias发言。

但是,英、美、法、德等十个国家的代表却对中共的做法表示不满,纷纷要求Carlos Iglésias完成发言。

纪念夏俊峰 民间发起1001行动




王书金终审被判死刑 民吁缓杀





Spainish Lawyer Brings Allegations Jiang Zemin Committed Crime Of Genocide: Speaks at UN.

The 24th Session of UN Human Rights Council
meeting is currently being held in Geneva.
Spanish human rights lawyer, Carlos Iglesias brought
allegations against Jiang Zemin, that the former CCP leader
committed the crime of Genocide towards Falun Gong.

On September 26, Iglesias was invited to make
presentations in UN’s Human Rights meeting.
The meeting chaired by president of the
Human Rights Council, Remigiusz Henczel.

In his speech, Carlos Iglésias alleged Jiang Zemin
designed and organized a series of policies to kill
hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners.

In April 1999, in a Politburo meeting, Jiang
raised three strict orders to deal with Falun Gong:
“Defame their reputations, bankrupt them
financially, and destroy them physically."
Since then, hundreds of thousands of
Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested.
They are held in labor camps,
and brutally tortured and killed.

Carlos Iglésias also said the joint report from David Kilgour,
former Canadian Secretary of State for the Asia Pacific
region, and human rights lawyer David Matas.

They jointly issued the “Report into Allegations of
Organ Harvesting of Falun Gong Practitioners in China".
This provides reliable evidence and clues that
the CCP is live organ harvesting Falun Gong.
Iglesias requested that the UN thoroughly
investigate and stop the CCP’s crimes.

In the meeting, CCP representatives have repeatedly
interrupted a representative of Falun Gong practitioners,
Chen Shizhong’s speech.

Carlos Iglésias’s speech was
again interrupted on September 26.
CCP representatives rudely knocked the tables and
clapped hands in order to stop Iglésias’s speech.

Representatives from more than ten countries,
including the US, UK, France, Germany openly
showed dissatisfaction at the CCP’s approach.

They requested Carlos Iglésias to finish his speech.

Civil Forces Plan to Commemorate Xia Junfeng

The Chinese regime ignored public opinion when it
quickly executed Shenyang street vendor Xia Junfeng.
People are deeply disappointed by the
regime, with anger reaching breaking point.
In the last few days, outcry on the
internet is continuously increasing.
Meanwhile, people are planning
events to commemorate Xia Junfeng.

The “1001″ event is organized by Hong Kong’s Civil Force.

The activities will start at Beijing time,
10:01a.m. on October 1, 2013.
Participants will knock objects to make sounds, to
symbolize the whole nation’s sympathetic response.

The Civil Force said they are using this way to show their
anger at the CCP dictatorship, to commemorate Xia Junfeng.
Xia was executed at Beijing time 10a.m. on September 25.

Public Request Review of Wang Shujin Death Sentence

Wang Shujin’s rape and murder
case is also a social focus.
On September 27, Wang was sentenced to death.

People mocked that the Supreme Court did
not to review the case, but quickly killed him.

Wang Shujin was allegedly involved in case of
Nie Shubin, murdered woman 19 years ago.
Wang’s case became wide concerned.

Wang has claimed he was the real murderer.

However, the regime repeatedly
dismissed Wang’s confession.
Public opinion questioned whether the regime has
correctly brought justuce to Nie Shubin or not.
They requested to review Nie’s case.

Yet Wang Shujin was finally sentenced to death.

The public worried that if Wang is executed,
there is no chance to find the truth of whether
the case of Nie Shubin has been wrongly judged.
