



















采访/常春 编辑/宋风 后制/孙宁

Chinese Authorities Actions After Tianamen Incident

The car crash incident in Tiananmen Square
on October 28 was quickly labelled as a
terror attack by the Communist authorities.

Beijing claims the incident was an
act of militant Uighurs from Xinjiang.
However, the U.S. does not consider the incident
a terrorist attack, and is dealing with it differently.
The following is our report.


On October 31, the Chinese authorities formally labelled
the car blast in Tiananmen Square as a terrorist attack.
It was stated to have been organized
by East Turkestan Islamic terrorists.
The authorities have arrested five suspects, while at
least 53 Uighur people have been arrested in Xinjiang.
Some Uighur scholars and businessmen in Beijing have
also been harassed, and pressured by national security.

However, in a U.S. State Department press conference
on October 31, a spokesperson indicated that reports
are still being evaluated before any conclusion is made.

When comparing the way the U.S handled
the Boston Marathon bombings in April this
year, the Chinese regime acted differently.

After the Boston explosions, police immediately
sent requests out online, in newspapers, and on
TV, calling for pictures and videos from witnesses.

Police publically released video surveillance footage,
and other picture evidence, to track the perpetrators.

Aftet the explosion in Tiananmen Square,
Beijing police blocked all information.
Police erased images captured by a reporter from
Agence France-Presse (AFP), as well as deleting
and blocking photos and comments on microblogs.

Internet administrators also issued warnings
against any witnesses discussing the incident.

It was also indicated that long before the
incident happened at 12:05, police had
temporarily shut down the subway station.

The Forbidden City had also issued
an early closure notice for that day.

Zhang Jian, Chinese social commentator: “The U.S.
deals with terrorist attacks quickly by using evidence.
This is because Congress, U.S citizens and some
U.S. media are a watchdog for the government.”

Alim Seytoff, World Uighur Congress spokesman, has
indicated that the Chinese regime is basing it´s story
on the need to escalate an ordinary incident into a
terrorist attack, to be able to suppress an ethnic group.

Alim Seytoff, World Uyghur Congress: “With any
incidence of violence or non-violence, regardless
of the facts, the Communist regime will only focus on
what helps it achieve the political goals of its tyranny.”

The Communist regime´s description of this
incident as a terror attack has been challenged.

A female Philippine student was injured at the scene.

She told Nanfang Media that a car was fast approaching
them. She heard the car horn, and then it went blank.
When she woke up she was lying on the ground.
This account was quickly deleted from a microblog.

There were also witnesses saying that a
police car was chasing after a white jeep.

Deutsche Welle cited a report from
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
The report questioned why the driver’s
wife and mother were both in the car?
Why were the slogans of “jihad”, which were allegedly
found by the police, not burned during the explosion?

Is this really a premeditated and
organized suicide terrorist attack?
Was it a plot by the police to cover up a chase
that went wrong, or was it something else?

Zhang Jian: “Beijing´s surveillance has
been so tight that there´s no blind spot.
And yet, nothing was released, not even the
route the car went, or the incident scene.”

In the Boston bombings investigation, once
the suspect was identified, interviews of the
suspect´s friends and families took place.

There were also comments and discussions from the
suspect´s classmates, teachers, and family members.

Chinese police released the name of the bombing suspect.

Subsequently, a Japanese reporter from
Asahi Shimbun travelled to Xinjiang.
The reporter was stopped, and questioned by seven
police. They would not allow any intervews to take place.
They explaining they were hunting more
suspects, and erased the reporters photographs.

Alim Seytoff indicates that the fundamental problem
in China is the Communist Party and its social system.
There will be no peace in China, as long
as the Communist Party rules the country.

Interview / Chang Chun Edit / Song Fong Post-production /
