【禁闻】深圳两市场检出H7N9 当局拖延预防

【新唐人2013年12月13日讯】深圳两市场检出H7N9 当局拖延预防













Chinese Communist Officials Ignore H7N9 Detected
in Two Shenzhen Markets

Hong Kong recently diagnosed two cases of H7N9 avian flu
and found the infected Indonesian woman had contact with
poultry in Shenzhen.

On December 11, the Guangdong health authorities
announced three samples tested positive for the H7N9 from
samples collected from Hengan market in Longgan district
and Kangqiao market on Nanwan street.
The finding of the virus matches the Indonesian woman’s
trip to Shenzhen.
The Longgan market is believed to be the source
of the H7N9.

According to Radio France Internationale report, Hong Kong
experts called for closure and cleaning of the wet markets in
Shenzhen to cut the source of the virus.

However, during a Hong Kong reporter’s visit to the scene
on 11th, the Chinese authorities did not inform those two
markets and did not clean the markets or take any kind
of preventive measures.

On the 12th, only after the Hong Kong media reports did
the business sector notify the markets to temporarily close.

U.S. media: China Takes The Lead in Dirty Money

Newsweek reported on December 11, of a study according to
Global Financial Integrity, a Washington, D.C.-based research
and advocacy organization.

The study found that the total amount of tainted money to have
leached out of 55 developing countries at over $5.9 trillion
between 2002 and 2011.

China tops the list, at just over $1 trillion, or nearly one-sixth
the total of global hemorrhaged assets compared to Russia’s
cumulative $881 billion.

The Global Financial Integrity indicated the flow of
tainted money is often linked to crime, corruption, bribery,
money laundering, kickbacks and tax evasion.

15 Henan Lawyers Protest with Hunger Strike

Christian Church pastor Zhang Shaojie and members of the
church in Puyang City of Henan Province were arrested
by the Communist authorities.

On December 12, 15 human rights lawyers once again visited
the detention center to meet the defendants but were met
with attacks by unidentified persons.

Lawyers began a hunger strike to protest against the local
police and government officials for repeatedly obstructing
their meeting with their clients, and for having their personal
safety threatened.

For nearly a month, these lawyers have been officially
denied a meeting with the defendants seven times.

It is said that a local Christian pastor and more than 20
members of the church have been held in custody
for resisting the governmental seizure of church lands.

