【禁闻】李克强未提港人治港 引发忧虑


在总理李克强宣读的工作报告当中,提及港、澳部分的有156字,而过去十年必提的 “港人治港、高度自治”则消失不见。港人哀叹,还没到2047年,50年不变的承诺可能已经落空。
















采访编辑/秦雪 后制/陈建铭

Li Keqiang did not Mention Hong Kong People
Ruling Hong Kong, Concern Arises

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang announced his first work report
last week.
It was different from the previous premier work report,
which mentioned Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong.
National People’s Congress (NPC) chairman Zhang Dejiang’s
first work report also did not mention anything of important
issues such as Hong Kong’s political reforms, Hong Kong
Basic Law and general election, etc.
This made the Hong Kong people worried that the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) will give in on political reforms.

In the work report from Premier Li Keqiang there are
156 words used mentioned Hong Kong and Macao.

However “Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong and High
Autonomy’ disappeared. They have been mentioned for
the last ten years.

Hong Kong people lament that we haven’t reached year 2047
while the promise of 50 years of commitment may have
been abandoned.

Li Zhuming, founder of Hong Kong Democratic Party who
participated in drafting the Hong Kong Basic Law says:
“Even if Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong has been
removed, the situation is very severe. The CCP strongly
dealt with Hong Kong and I believe they will never
compromise about political reforms.”

Hong Kong Legislative Council member, “Hong Kong
Professional Teachers’ Union’ Director Ye Jianyuan said that,
Li Keqiang did not mention the words “High Autonomy”
which made the Hong Kong people worry.
Hong Kong Legislative Council Ye Jianyuan: “We are
concerned if our high autonomy will be reserved?
Will there be a change to the highly autonomy, which has
always been mentioned in the past.?
Everyone is very worried about this. He also mentioned
promoting democracy according to the law.
It will be better if high autonomy is kept meanwhile
promoting democracy according to the law.
This will really improve the
Hong Kong people’s confidence. ”

Ye Jianyuan said that, the so-called “Promoting democracy
according to the law’ is not the same concept as the “High
autonomy’ mentioned in the past ten years.

Combining the two concepts will be the spirit of One Country,
Two Systems.
Hong Kong Legislative Council, Democratic Party chairman
Liu Huiqing said that, they worry that the central government
may care less and less about Hong Kong’s “High autonomy
and Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong’ ”.
On the contrary, they may strengthen control over Hong Kong.
The situation makes the Hong Kong people feel uneasy.

Hong Kong Legislative Council Liu Huiqing: “Not just
recently; it has actually been many years that they have
been interfering with Hong Kong more and more. ”

No matter if it is the press, or universities or businesses, or
politics, they interfere with all of them.
So many Hong Kong people worry that the high autonomy
and Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong may fade away.’

Li Keqiang claimed in the report that, the central government
will firmly implement “One Country, Two Systems’ principle
proposing to “fully and accurately implement basic law’.

However, Ye Jianyuan believes that, this argument is
rather vague and so far there is no new implementation.

Ye Jianyuan: “We still have some concerns. We hope from
now on in his work report, we can see more of his specific
acts, and towards Hong Kong people ruling Hong Kong
and high autonomy.
If we can implement this when we talk about democracy
reforms, election reforms, general election of chief executives,
we can implement the “basic law’ down to the ground.’

NPC chairmen Zhang Dejiang last Sunday announced his
first work report to 2906 NPC representatives.
He mentioned”Organizing Hong Kong, Macao and
Taiwan representatives for field inspections research in
Guangdong, Guangxi, Jilian and Jiangxi, etc.. ”

However he did not mention anything about Hong Kong
political reforms, “Basic Law’ and general election, etc.

In contrast, Wu Bangguo, the previous NPC chairman, in his
last work report, used more than 500 words detailing the
Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Region.

The “Basic Law’s interpretation right is the important powers
the “Constitution’ and two “Basic Law’ have granted the
Standing Committee.

Ye Jianyuan said that, Hong Kong people hope the Central
government will have a positive statement about Hong Kong
political reforms and chief executive general elections,
which can help promote Hong Kong democracy in the future.

Ye Jianyuan: “If he did not mention it, we do not know what
his whole view is.
We cannot know exactly the government’s whole attitude from
his official government document.
This brings unstable signals to the upcoming
political reform.
We do not know what the central
government is talking about. ”

Liu Huiqing feels that, the CCP may not
agree with Hong Kong’s high autonomy.

Liu Huiqing: “We hope Hong Kong’s free lifestyle could be
We can fight for democracy, but it seems the
situation has become increasingly difficult.’

Ye Jianyuan said that, all government leaders’ speeches
should follow the law.
If “Constitution’ and “Basic Law”have granted Hong Kong
people ruling Hong Kong and high autonomy, Hong Kong
people hope the government in the future could really make it
happen as Li Keqiang himself claimed.

Interview & Edit/Qunxue Post-Production/Chen Jianming
