【禁闻】冤民不信任两会 驻华使馆前喊冤


















Chinese Petitioners Appeal to US Embassy In Beijing

Nine petitioners from Shanwei, Fujian province took their
petitions to the U.S. Embassy in Beijing on Feb. 27.
Wang Weizhu, one of petitioners, ingested pesticide
in an attempt to commit suicide.
Wang was sent to hospital for emergency care and is now
out of danger.
The other eight petitioners were taken away by the local police.

In today’s China, numerous mass grievances have no way of
being heard and addressed.
On the eve of the two annual sessions of
the Chinese Communist Party’s conference,
Chinese petitioners were forced to appeal to foreigners to
air their grievances, what bitter irony for the CCP.

Wang Weizhu, the would be suicide victim who ingested pesticide,
has never had her grievances addressed over many years.
The judiciary organs openly committed an age certificate
forgery for the person suspected of murdering Wang’s son,
The suspect was then granted a lenient sentence.

Shi Liqin, one of the petitioners taken away by the police,
found that her petition had been blocked by corrupt judiciary in Fujian.
Shi resorted to self-immolation in front of the Fujian Provincial
Procuratorate office, her body was severely burned.
Shi was still hospitalized before her petitioning in Beijing.

Her husband was reportedly very worried about her safety, and
fears that Shi may attempt suicide again while detained in a “black jail”.

Wang Weizhu expressed her outrage to NTDTV’s reporter.

Wang Weizhu (petitioner from Fujian): “I turned to attempting
suicide through anger yesterday.
I really couldn’t see any more hope with my petitioning now.
There’s no way at all for us to appeal.
We’ve been living a life of pure misery.
Where’s the meaning in our lives? There’s none at all."

She has always had sufficient evidence, but her grievances
have never been heard until today, Wang says.
The “two sessions" that prioritizes the maintenance of stability
make her feel despair, she feels that her road has run out.

Wang Weizhu: “There is too much darkness in China now.
We were always told that our grievances couldn’t be resolved.
Now we have to petition the US Embassy in China, in the
hope that their leaders will give us a hand.
No one here in China pays any heed to our grievances.
After we petitioned in Beijing, we were captured and sent back to our hometowns.
We were detained, reeducated through labor and beaten.”

The CCP regime’s two annual political sessions will be held
soon in Beijing.
Outside the State Bureau for Complaints and Appeal, non-local
petition-interception vehicles occupy both sides of the road.
Dozens of large buses hung with license plates of
different regions wait to transport petitioners.

According to China’s Tianwang Human Rights Service’s
report dated Feb. 28,
over 500 petitioners from Jiangsu province were captured
in Beijing and detained in Jiu Jing Zhuang, a notorious “black jail”.

Gao Ying (Beijing resident) says that: “Each year, a slew of
people flock into Beijing during the period of the two sessions.
But thereare lots of police from regions throughout China who
come to take away their local petitioners. (they) fear a disturbance to the sessions."

Micro-blog postings revealed that at least 0.7 million security
forces in Beijing were arranged for this year’s two sessions.

Tang Jingling(Lawyer) says: “The gap in interests between
the groups of powerful officials and the people are growing wider.
The groups of powerful officials use the sessions to legalize
So they have to separate themselves from the people, for
fear of the people’s voicing of their appeals there.
That’s why they mobilize so much force to move groups of petitioners
and those who are in their eyes ‘unstable elements’ out of Beijing."

Tang Jingling advises that Chinese people initiate an open and
real-name boycott against these deputies who were never elected.

In 2011 alone, about 12 million cameras were installed on
30 million surveillance installations in major cities all over China.

Tang Jingling(Lawyer) says: “The (regime’s) tricks may be
useful at an initial stage, and for crackdowns on small-scale mass protests.
But with soaring popular discontent and more groups being
involved in rights-defense,
and closer contact between groups,
such an approach definitely won’t work.
When hundreds of and thousands of people protest in
the streets, the authorities have no way of handling it."

Voice of Germany’s report feels it is overkill that surveillance
cameras are installed in almost every corner of China’s major cities.
The report also expresses surprise at CCP’s stability
maintenance spending being beyond the national defense budget.
“What new monitoring tactics will the CCP come up with?”
the report asks curiously.

NTD reporters Li Yun, Song Feng and Xiao Yu
