【禁闻】百人抄延安讲话 曝李长春挺极左







大陆老作家、记者 铁流:“毛泽东延安文艺讲话就是把文艺变成共产党争夺政权的工具,洗脑的东西。他那个讲话把人性、人道全部封杀了,自从毛泽东讲话以后,中国就从此没有真的文学了,他们都变成了安乐派、延安派、歌功颂德派。文学就是人学,没有什么为政治服务,全部是歪理邪说。”





采访编辑/李莲 后制/葛雷

Yan’an speech transcribed by 100 people reveals Li Changchun’s extreme leftist stance

Recently, one hundred mainland writers and artists handwrote
Mao Zedong’s “Talks at the Yan’an conference on literature and art" from 1942, causing strong criticism.
Other mainland writers pointed out that Mao’s speech was
destructive to literature and art in China,
whereas Li Changchun of the Jiang faction, responsible for
CCP publicity,
is deceiving both people and CCP seniors by echoing
Bo Xilai’s support of Mao’s leftist activity via cultural events.
The public sees it as an activity endorsing the devil.

In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Mao Zedong’s,
“Talks at the Yan’an conference on literature and art,"
China’s official media, Writers Publishing House,
published a book titled, “Handwriting of the talks by 100 literature artists” on May 21.
The CCP claims it’s a collection of emotional transcriptions,
but the civilians believe it’s an endorsement of the devil.

Current affairs commentator Zhao Pei: “It’s a big event.
In fact, Li Changchun mastered the whole thing.
He was attempted to support Bo Xilai’s political “red” theme”
from a different angle. Namely, Bo was following Mao’s route,
so he (Li Changchun) tried to minimize Bo’s charges,
perhaps in an effort to save him."

Among the 100 participants were He Jingzhi and Wang Kun,
long-time supporters of the CCP who praise and help the CCP to brainwash the public.
Also present were Tie Ning and Wang Meng, who have
leadership titles in helping the CCP control the literary and art circles,
as well as Chen Zhongshi and Feng Jicai,
current popular writers, and others.
Columnist and political commentator Xing Tianxing believes
the action is a tactic to deceive the CCP leaders by generating false opinion.

Political commentator Xing Tianxing: “This is also to show
the central leadership that Mao Zedong’s idea is still supported by the public and shouldn’t be discarded.
It serves as great pressure to the political reformers.

The ultimate goal is to safeguard his vested interests and
power with ultra-leftist propaganda."

Once “Handwriting of the talks by 100 literature artists”
was published, it caused waves of criticisms on-line.
Netizen Song Jinbo wrote bluntly, “Everyone on the list
is included.
I will forever refuse to read, buy and care about your book.”

Jiangnan Li Chang-An stated on microblogging,
“I think this is a shame list.”
Internet user Lin Qiang pointed out, “These 100 writers’
behavior is endorsing the devil and a collective conscience “solar eclipse."

Senior journalist reporter of Tie Liu: “Mao Zedong’s talk
in Yan’an was to transform art and literature into a political tool of the CCP for power struggle and brainwashing.
His talk completely destroyed human nature and humanism.
Since then, China has lost true literature.
The literature has become for entertainment, for Yan’an,
and for praise.
It’s all fallacious that literature was claimed to be
about learning and not about serving politics."

So far, among the 100 participants, only writers Zhou Guoping
and Ye Zhaoyan made public penance.
Ye Zhaoyan wrote that after he realized what he had done,
he felt like he had “eaten flies.”
He also revealed that Writers Publishing House had mailed
him a thousand dollars cash to transcribe the talks.

Internet writer and social activist Wen Yunchao, on the other
hand, launched the “Transcribing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights" activity on Twitter.
Many people have joined the activity.

Netizen Xiaolu indicated that 100 artists were said
rewarded 1000 RMB for transcribing Mao Zedong’s speech,
and she will transcribe the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights without pay.
She only asks people to help to tweet the message so that
more people are made aware of world values.

Wen Yunchao, whose pen name is “North Wind," indicated
on Twitter that to transcribe the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights is a process to understand and review his/her own rights.
