【禁闻】李旺阳事件发酵 网掀“我不自杀”潮

【新唐人2012年6月9日讯】李旺阳事件发酵 网掀“我不自杀”潮







打压“300手印” 河北重历“文革”




有分析认为,“ 300手印”事件曝光后,中共政法委系统和当地国保人员的反扑和报复行动,说明迫害法轮功的江系“血债帮”已极度心虚气短,现在因为恐惧遭到清算,而疯狂泄愤。不过,大陆法轮功学员仍然不屈不饶的坚持修炼,并持续以理性和平的方式,向世人讲述法轮功真相。目前,已有一亿一千七百多万中国人退出了中共党、团、队组织,选择站在正义和良知的一边。


Li Wangyang’s Death Sets Off Netizens’ Appeal

News of 1989 Tiananmen protest victim Li Wangyang’s
“suicide” in Hunan is drawing international attention.
Mainlanders who are controlled by the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP), are deeply concerned for their own safety.

On June 8, netizens began a campaign on microblog, BBS,
and QQ posting, “I won’t commit suicide.”
“If the cause of my death was announced a suicide,
I was certainly murdered.” It immediately received a lot of responses.
Many netizens posted a statement saying,
“I won’t commit suicide.”

Hong Kong media person Bei Feng and Beijing economic
scholar Xia Yeliang urged in posts online that they are,
“requesting an investigation into Li Wangyang’s Death”
Over 3,800 signatures have been collected since.

Meanwhile, the authorities intensified suppression
of Li Wangyang’s supporters.
Li’s friends and activists in Shaoyang, Hunan were taken
away by police.
Li’s family members and friends’ contacts have been cut off.

Li’s supporters from other areas were verbally
warned by police.
Zhang Lin from Anhui posted his memorial
for Li Wangyang on Twitter.
Later, police called and threatened him saying, “If you show
concern for Li Wangyang again, your life is at risk!”
Hua Chunhui from Wuxi was taken away by police
for a word.
Police told him they had gotten “new ideas from Li’s death
and designed for him a death more exotic than Li’s.”

Bei Feng believes that if the doubtful points regarding Li
Wangyang’s “suicide” can’t be cleared,
it indicates the CCP’s murdering dissidents’ action
is taking place.
Zhang Lin also said that Li’s death manifested for some
officials who have to take responsibility,
as fear of their evil deeds being exposed.
They are frenzied and start to kill.

300 Suppressed Villagers Experience the Cultural Revolution

Recently, 300 Hebei villagers signed, with their fingerprints,
a petition urging for the release of Falun Gong practitioner Wang Xiaodong.
It drew the world’s attention, and the voice calling for
the rescue of Wang hasn’t been silenced.
However, villagers now are facing the horrors
of the Cultural Revolution.

According to the minghui.org website, since the 300
fingerprints incident took place,
the Political and Legislative Committee (PLC)
sent a work team to the village.
PLC was assisted by the Public Security Bureau
and the National Security team.
They went to each villager’s home and forced them
to sign the statement against Falun Gong.
They told the villagers that, because villagers associated
themselves with Falun Gong, they would strengthen the persecution.
Meanwhile, local Falun Gong practitioners are monitored,
and slogans defaming Falun Gong can be seen everywhere in the village.

Sources said that in order to trace the original signatures,
local police arrested Wang Xiaodong’s sister and are monitoring her relatives.
The police forced her relatives to write and sign
their review.
Some relatives’ vehicles were taken away and their property
was seriously damaged.
Wang’s relatives encountered great pressure from authorities.

Analysts believe that after the exposure of the 300 fingerprints
incident, PLC and local national security’s revenge indicated
that Jiang Zemin’s bloody-debt faction, which persecutes
Falun Gong, has been extremely timid.
They fear justice, thus they are venting their extreme anger.

However, Falun Gong practitioners in China adhere
to the practice and peacefully clarify the truth to the public.
At present, over 100 million Chinese quit the CCP, choosing
to stand on side of justice and conscience.
