

总部设在英国的非政府组织——“环境调查局 (Environmental investigation agency)”,11月6号公布的一份调查报告说,中共驻坦桑尼亚大使馆的外交官,是该国盗猎象牙走私的买家之一。














Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Diplomat Smuggled
Illegal Ivory onto Xi Jinping’s Plane

Headquartered in the UK, Non-Governmental organization,
Environmental Investigation Agency published a survey on
November 6th claiming that:

the CCP diplomat in Tanzania is one buyer of illegal ivory,
smuggling from poaching.

Environmental Investigation Agency quoted what the illegal
ivory suppliers admitted that lots of Chinese Embassy officials
began to purchase a large amount of poached ivory since 2006.

The horrifying report said that Chinese Foreign officials illegally purchased thousands of kilograms of poached ivory and smuggled
it back to China in a diplomatic bag on Xi Jinping’s plane.

This is reported to have taken place during 2013 Chinese
President Xi Jinping’s trip in Tanzania.

According to the Agence France-Presse report, the Chinese
Foreign Ministry spokesman accused the related reports of being
baseless, at their regular press conference on November 6th.

The Conflict Between Hong Kong Police and Demonstrators

It has been 40 days since the Hong Kong universal suffrage
occupation movement begun.

The clash between police and protesters occurred again in
Admiralty and Mong Kok after a few days of calm.

According to Radio Free Asia report, on the 5th night, the police
even used pepper spray to disperse protesters in Mong Kok. The
protesters were injured.

In the Admiralty, a number of marchers in V evil masks clashed
with police.

The report said that there were at least three arrests in the conflict
in Mong Kok and Admiralty, many were injured.

Netizens: What is More Disturbing, Occupy Central or
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)?

The Beijing authorities ordered the suspension of school classes,
the shut down of factories, vehicle access curtailed, milk delivery
stopped all for the APEC Summit in Beijing.

These big disruptions made foreign Media mock incessantly.

The Hong Kong Occupy Central movement was opposed by the
so-called “Anti-Occupy Central" people with the pathetic
excuse of the disruption to normal life.

November 6, mainland netizens discussed online about which
one is more disturbing, Hong Kong University Students’
Occupy Central or APEC?

Some netizens questioned the sincerity of the Anti-Occupy Central people whom accuse Occupy Central of disrupting shops and ordinary
working people. That’s supposedly why they wanted to anti Occupy Central.

However, APEC is imposing and disrupting Beijing people on an
even wider scale.

Should we be against APEC?

The CCP’s two sessions and plenary also disturb people, should
we protest against that?

Edit/Zhou Yulin
