【新唐人2011年10月8日讯】苹果公司创始人之一乔布斯(Steve Jobs)逝世的消息,让全世界都为之惋惜。在中国大陆,也掀起悼念乔布斯的热潮,人们在唏嘘这位创新英才离世之余,也在思考,在中国,为什么出不了乔布斯,“苹果”在中国的土壤为什么就不能成长?
无论你是否对他改变世界的奇迹耳熟能详,无论你是否知道他拥有的专利超过 300项,但那个被咬了一口的苹果,以及 Mac、 iPod、 iPhone、 iPad等让人疯狂的苹果产品,都足以让人记起大名鼎鼎的乔布斯。而他在周三逝世的消息,更是让全世界为之哀伤。
六四天网义工 蒲飞 :“应该说乔布斯先生主要是创立高尖端的一些IT产品,他这些IT产品应该说是改变了很多IT业的形态,尤其像苹果电脑、iPhone手机,都给行业内的同行提供了相当好的借鉴。”
乔布斯曾说:“领袖与跟风者的区别在于创新。” iPod改变了音乐产业, iPhone改变了通讯产业, iPad改变了PC产业,如今,乔布斯永远离开了,苹果的辉煌会被超越,但乔布斯的创新精神,不会消失、不会过时。
Jobs’ Death: Food For Thought In China
The death of Steve Jobs, one of the founders of Apple Inc.
is being mourned by the world.
In mainland China, people are grieving Jobs’ death too.
They felt regretful for this talent of innovation
and also thought about why China has no such a talent,
why Apple could not develop on China’s soil?
Regardless of whether one has heard of his achievements,
impacting the world, or of him owning over 300 patents,
the symbol of a bitten apple and the popular Apple goods
like Mac, iPod, iPhone and iPad would make people
keep Steve Jobs in their memories. The news of his death
on Wednesday made many around the world sorrowful.
The same night Apple’s home page displayed Jobs’
black-and-white half-length photo in a central position.
1955-2011 stays under the written in black ‘Steve Jobs’.
Jobs is looking with piercingly bright eyes from the photo.
The apple with a missing piece’ trademark made people sigh
– this time there is really a missing piece.
On the other side of the world, in China, Jobs’ death
has made people mourn and reflect on it as well.
On blogs of Sina, Tencent and Baidu, where netizens
are actively discussing the topic,
plenty of comments appeared to mourn
this “big innovator” in the world of technology.
A netizen showed 56 red apples in memory
of Steve Jobs’ 56 years’ life devoted to achievements.
In the morning of October 6, Li Kaifu, Google’ former CEO,
wrote on his sina weibo (micro blog):
“Farewell Jobs, your products have changed the world
and your ideas have influenced a whole generation.”
Until 8 p.m. that night, Li Kaifu released 9 blog articles
on the Internet, about Steve Jobs.
On October 6, more than 90,000 netizens voted on weibo
that they felt shocked about Jobs’s passing away,
and many thousands of netizen expressed their sorrow
about his death.
Pu Fei, volunteer of the folk website 64tianwang,
expressed that Jobs’s death is a great loss to the industry.
A volunteer of 64tianwang, Pu said: “Mr. Jobs mainly
established high class IT production which helped a lot
in changing the ideology of the IT industry. Especially Mac
and iPhone have provided really good reference
to the other businesses within the IT industry.”
While the Chinese netizens feel sorry about Jobs’s death,
some talk about where is the Chinese Steve Jobs,
and can China cultivate such a talent like Apple?
Pu Fei thinks, for a genius to develop he needs not only
a gift, but a “soil” too, which to support his development.
But in China, whether such kind of a soil exists
or not is still under question.
Pu Fei: “China’s education system now is such that kills
people’s imagination. Any creative innovation
or interesting staff wouldn’t get the permission
of the officials, as well as many people’s support.
Thus China should start from the reform of its education
system if it wants to have talents like Jobs.
System that kills people’s imagination is impossible to grow
talents and can only produce “smiths,” but not geniuses.”
Wen Kejian, freelance writer from Zhengjiang, China, also
thinks Jobs has made the world more interesting and bright,
but that it is very hard for China to “produce” a geniuses
like Jobs with its restrictive environment.
Wen Kejian: “It is a well-known fact that the more freedom
you have in the environment, the more creative imagination
will people have. Their creative imagination then can be
rewarded. People have the chance of a trial and error,
and various novel ideas will be tolerated and encouraged.
But China is a society with a high degree of control.
Many important professions and industries are controlled
by the government. Civil society is facing a lot of control.
There are many ceilings, ceilings on creativeness, even if
there is a genius, his path to success is also very narrow."
In the course of Jobs’ 56-years long life, he went to college
but dropped out. Later, he set up his company in his garage.
In addition, the personalities that Jobs is known with,
like being paranoic,arbitrary and emotional,
are viewed in China as Jobs’ not being a good comrade,
not a good boss.
His deeds seem not to be in harmony
with the harmonious society.
Beijing-based scholar Peng Dingding pointed out that
China’s system does not allow you to do what you want to do;
if Jobs lived in China, he would not be a genius.
Peng Dingding: “As to this system, I see it as a mental
illness of some authoritarian rulers.
The authoritarian rulers are actually ill. They are afraid
of losing the control over everything.
They hope that the world can operate according to their
intentions. So they pay attention to each person’s actions.
They hope each person will not act without authorization.
It needs to get their approval, to get their understanding.
But in general, their intelligence is not high. In fact,
it’s not possible for us to report everything to the authorities.
Even if we do, they can not understand."
Jobs lived in a free and democratic society, which helped
his creative spirit change the world in a unique way.
Jobs once said: “The difference between leaders
and trend followers lies in innovation."
iPod changed the music industry, iPhone changed the
communication industry, iPad changed the PC industry.
Now when Steve Jobs left us forever, Apple’s glory may be
surpassed, but his innovative spirit will not become obsolete.
NTD reporters Qin Xue, Li Jing and Li Ruolin