中国问题研究专家赵远明认为,如果“太子党”是为了给自己的长辈们进行“平反”或者 “清算”,那么,评价文革的行为就是卑鄙的。
中国问题研究专家赵远明:“ 在党内历来就是大开杀戒,从党内的历史宗派的斗争,还有延安的运动都反映这么一个现实情况,但是在文革呢,把党内的斗争带到社会上来,实际上是党内斗争在社会上的表现。”
《人民日报》资深记者凌志军、马立诚在《交锋—-当代中国三次思想解放实录》一书中披露,粉碎“四人帮”之后,叶剑英在一次讲话中沉痛的说:“文化大革命” 死了2,000万人,整了1亿人,浪费了8,000亿人民币。
中国问题研究专家赵远明:“ 文革实际上是鼓动群众斗群众,鼓动一批人斗另一批人,完全没有法制。但是我们能够看到,在文革中被打压迫害的这些人,实际上在中共的党史里你能看到,他们也是迫害别人的高手,只要他们一旦掌了权或时机成熟了,像刘少奇迫害起别人来也是决不手软。”
Cultural Revolution Due To CCP Struggles?
October 6 marked the 35th anniversary
of China’s Gang of Four Downfall.
In contrast to its usual high publicity, now the Communist
Party’ (CCP) authorities deliberately kept a low profile.
In recent days, over 200 people of CCP’s Prince lings
and CCP history scholars, gathered in Beijing.
Most of them expressed to completely negate
the Cultural Revolution.
The Gang of Four refers to Jiang Qing, Zhang,
Yao Wenyuan, and Wang Hongwen.
This was an important political force
during the period of CCP’s Cultural Revolution.
On Oct. 6, 1976, within a month after Mao Zedong’s death,
Hua Guofeng, CCP Chairman at that time
and CCP veterans like Ye Jianying and Li Xiannian,
launched the Huairen Hall Incident.
The Gang of Four was arrested and accused
of attempting to usurp the CCP leadership and power.
Four years later, the CCP set up a special court to put
the Gang of Four on trial and state their convictions.
On June 27, 1981, the Sixth Plenary Session of 11th CCP’
Central Committee, dominated by Deng Xiaoping,
claimed that the Cultural Revolution was regarded as a civil
strife, wrongly initiated by the leader (Mao Zedong),
and taken advantage of by two counter-revolutionary groups
led by Jiang Qing (Gang of Four) and Lin Biao, respectively,
bringing serious disasters to the CCP, the nation
and people of all Chinese ethnicities.
Liu Qing, former convener of Democracy Wall in Beijing,
believes that the primary responsibility
of the Cultural Revolution should be assumed by
Mao Zedong, not by the Gang of Four and Lin Biao’s group.
Liu Qing: “First of all, putting the blame on the Gang of Four
or on Lin Biao group is a clumsy attempt to truly cover up Mao Zedong’s crimes.
Everyone knows that it was Mao who
launched the Cultural Revolution.
The Gang of Four is nothing more than a few accomplices
who followed Mao’s instructions.
Letting Mao, the primary bearer of guilt, and a sinner, goes,
through such a practice, will entirely work in favor of Mao.”
Radio Free Asia reported on October 7, that over 200
descendants of late CCP leaders and CCP history scholars
gathered in Beijing on October 6, holding the largest
commemorative event over the last 20 years.
Most of the attendees, according to the New Left’s view,
proposed to completely negate the Cultural Revolution.
Zhao Yuanming, an expert on China issues, comments that
if these CCP Prince lings intend to do a vindication
on behalf of their elders, or expose such crimes, this
will be a precedent in evaluating the Cultural Revolution.
Zhao Yuanming: “Why the Cultural Revolution caused
so much damage, a real ruin to China’s traditional culture, ethics and the legal system?
If you really want to deny the Cultural Revolution,
you should actually restore the ethical culture of the past and rebuild the rule of law.
This is a true, complete denial of the Cultural Revolution.”
Zhao Yuanming believes, the struggle within the CCP has
a long history, it isn’t a newborn of the Cultural Revolution.
Zhao Yuanming: “The slaughter has always existed inside
the CCP, such as CCP sectarian struggles and Yan’an Rectification Movement.
While the Cultural Revolution brought struggles inside
the CCP, it is in fact a manifestation of the CCP struggles within the party and as well as with the society in China. ”
Ling Zhijun and Ma Licheng, senior People Daily’ reporters,
revealed in their book, titled
“Confrontation: Record of Three Times Ideological
Emancipation of Contemporary China,”
that “After smashing the Gang of Four, Ye Jianying
painfully said in a speech,
’The Cultural Revolution cost was 20 million deaths,
100 million people suffering, and RMB800 billion wasted.’”
Zhao Yuanming: “The Cultural Revolution was actually
inciting struggles between various groups of the society.
There was no legal system at all. But we can see from
CCP’s history that those who were suppressed
and persecuted during the Cultural Revolution were also
experts in persecuting others as long as they gained power, then or at an appropriate time.
For example, Liu Shaoqi never showed mercy when
persecuting others.”
Zhao Yuanming pointed out that Mao Zedong’s brutal
Struggle against other CCP members,
is as dogs’ biting each other. None of the CCP
members has a lofty goal or a pure motive.
NTD reporters Chang Chun, Lin Huiru and Zhou Xiqi