【禁闻】台湾大选辩论民主示范 陆官冷民热



















Low-Key CCP vs. Heated Civilians over 2012 Taiwan Election,

The 2012 Taiwan presidential election of the Republic of
China kicked off on December 3.
The first televised presidential debate was initiated between
Ma Ying-jeou, incumbent President and Kuomintang (KMT) candidate,
Tsai Ing-wen, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)
candidate, and James Soong Chu-yu, the People First Party (PFP) candidate.
The debate covered issues including internal affairs of people’s livelihood,
And cross-straits diplomatic relations.
The debate attracted attention both home and abroad,
while the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime and its official media did not profile it highly.
Mainland China’s netizens, in contrast,
held heated discussions over this democratic election.

This is the first of three televised debates for Taiwan
presidential election,
co-organized by Taiwan’s public television stations,
Central News Agency and four newspapers,
with on-line reports by over 30 media outlets.

The format for the debate went through four phases:
scripted openings for each candidate,
questions from the media, questions from candidates to
their rivals, and scripted summations.

On the debate over the cross-straits relation issue,
Ma Ying-jeou said that Taiwan’s mainstream public opinion is the “no unification,
no independence and no use of force" principle.

The 1992 Consensus, i.e. “one China, respective
interpretations" is in line with the Constitution,
the best way for the two sides to shelve differences and
create a win-win.

Ma Ying-jeou, “The least reassuring thing of the DPP is their
inability to handle cross-strait relations.
They created conflicts which triggered scorched
earth diplomacy.
Are we willing to return to the eight-year’s reign of the DPP
that features strained relations across the Taiwan Strait?"

The DPP candidate Tsai Ing-wen said that the meeting
was held between the two sides in 1992,
but without reaching the so-called “1992 Consensus".

If a government leader accepted a non-existent thing,
it is not right.

Tsai Ing-wen," The 1992 Consensus is a consensus reached
between the KMT and the CCP.
After taking office in 2008, President Ma turned this consensus,
without going through a democratic process, into a one between two sides.
This is the biggest focus that hurts Taiwan’s democracy.
The spirit of the Taiwan consensus is via democratic processes.”

Tsai Ing-wen states that the Taiwan consensus is inclusive,
“one China, respective interpretations" can be incorporated into the discussion to settle internal differences
and find a sustained new interactive basis for the
development of cross-strait relations.

Ma Ying-jeou argues that the so-called Taiwan Consensus
is like a treasure chest, with everything in it, but one cannot tell which is the consensus.
If the “1992 consensus" cannot be recognized,
the cross-strait relations will be plunged into uncertainty, which is definitely not conducive to Taiwan.

The Taiwan media quoted a Taiwan-affairs related
authoritative official, saying that in terms of mainland China,
from national leaders to Wang Yi, director of State Council
Taiwan Affairs Office, reiterated that the “1992
consensus" is the necessary prerequisite for two sides’
negotiations and cross-strait dialogue.
But if the DPP does not accept the political foundation of
the “1992 Consensus", then how will the cross-strait relations move forward in the future?

Taiwan commentator, Lin Baohua: “China’s regime
Certainly supports Ma Ying-jeou.
Of course, it dares not to make it too open.
This could incur Taiwanese resentment,
saying that the CCP colludes with the KMT,
while the KMT wants to dominate the fate of Taiwan.
China’s regime have long been holding its fire,
while in reality, at each presidential election,
it released some so-called “goodwill",
but the Taiwanese think nothing of it.
In this context, if China’s regime’s approach is that
if buying off doesn’t work, then they will turn to threats. “

Over the debate, the Economic Cooperation Framework
Agreement (ECFA) signed between by the Ma government
And the CCP regime was given applause by James Soong.

Tsai Ing-wen expressed general acceptance, diverting from
his past strong opposition.

Taiwan media poll showed that
Ma Ying-jeou got leverage from this debate.
Hong Kong media praised Taiwan sponsored media’s
unflinching questions to the candidates, displaying “the fourth power’s style”.

The CCP regime did not respond to this debate.
Its central-level official media like Xinhua News Agency,
People’s Daily and CCTV did not give it a high profile,
only making brief reports or reproduction.

In contrast, China’s netizens held heated discussions over
this election.
A netizen posted, “A joust among gentlemen! Brilliant!
You can tell instantly the difference of political civilization
between two sides. ”
Another netizen asked,
" When will they hold China’s presidential debate? ”

Beijing-based constitutional scholar, Chen Yongmiao,
believes that Taiwan’s presidential election has set a
democratic model for mainland Chinese people,
and will give a very positive enlightenment to them.

Chen Yongmiao: “It will become a positive model.

The general economic, social and cultural conditions are
similar between the two sides.
Taiwan has held a democratic election, and democracy
brings Taiwanese people great benefits.
Now the mainland Chinese people can get the information
via internet or TV.
That equals to a gradual awareness of democratization.

The existence of Taiwan’s democracy will accelerate
China’s democratization process. “

At the end of the debate, Ma Ying-jeou stresses that

he is the most trusted to challenge the economics issues
and to promote cross-strait peace.
Tsai Ing-wen says that she will not to tolerate any bullying
over the national sovereignty.
Soong states that he will bring back the Taiwan people’s
trust in the government.

NTD reporters Yi Ru, Li Yuanhan and Zhou Ping
