
【新唐人2011年12月23日讯】饰演《蝙蝠侠》的好莱坞影星贝尔(Christian Bale),12月中旬曾前往山东探望维权人士陈光诚,中共当局21号做出回应,抨击他“制造新闻”。中国民众认为:外国人看望中国公民遭驱赶和威胁,才是国际“头条新闻”。



北京维权人士胡佳:“贝尔探望陈光诚受阻还受到了那种肢体上的驱赶啊,威胁啊,那才会成为头条新闻, 一个外国人来看望一个中国人,却受到了中国这种非法的对待的时候,这个就成了国际关注的焦点了。”









The CCP Responds to “Batman” Star’s Visit to Chen Guangcheng

In the middle of December, the Hollywood “batman” star
Christian Bale went to visit the human rights activist Chen Guangcheng in Shandong Province.
On Dec 21st, the CCP officially responded to the event,
criticizing Bale attempt as “making a headline.”
The Beijing activist Hu Jia commented that it is a fact that a
foreigner was barred and manhandled while visiting a Chinese citizen,
which became top news in the international community.

Christian Bale, the English actor who played the hero role
in “Batman,” traveled to Dongshigu village in Linyi City,
Shandong Province on Dec. 15th with a TV crew from CNN,
trying to visit the blind human rights activist Chen Guangcheng.
They were stopped by four guards at the village entrance.

They were subsequently pushed and manhandled by those
unidentified men and were followed for several miles after they left the village.

On Dec 21st, the CCP’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Liu Weimin
said in a news conference that
Christian Bale attempted to “create top global news” by
visiting Chen Guangcheng.

(Beijing Activist Hu Jia):”What made top news is how Bale
was treated when attempting to visit Chen Guangcheng,
such as being pushed or intimidated physically.

A foreigner came to visit a Chinese citizen, but was manhandled
by the CCP government in an illegal way.
So (it is not surprising that) this has become the focus of the
international community.”

Bale’s story has become a popular topic both with
international media and among netizens.
One netizen commented that Bale’s experience revealed that the
dark reality in China is even more thrilling than Hollywood movies.
Another netizen ridiculed the CCP government for
” running naked” again in front of whole world to show its unscrupulous nature during “Batman’s” visit.

During the Foreign Ministry news conference, Liu Weimin was asked
whether the Chinese authorities feel embarrassed by Bale’s actions.

Liu replied, “It is Bale who should be embarrassed.”

(Hu Jia):”Though Liu Weimin said Bale should be embarrassed,
we don ‘t think so.
We believe that this is an embarrassment of the CCP and
its government.
It is an embarrassment to those who illegally put Chen Guangcheng
into detention and continue to monitor him for such a long time.
It is not only an embarrassment, but an absolute shame.
They have become so shameless that they don ‘t even want to hide it.”

Bale starred in the movie “Thirteen Girls in Jinling City”
by Chinese director Zhang Yimou.
The movie, which tells a story about the Nanking Massacre
in 1937, was released last week.
CNN’s report said that Bale learned about Chen Guangcheng’s
story from the media.
He then contacted CNN and told them he wished to meet
the blind activist.
Bale said, “What I really wanted to do was to meet the man,
shake his hand and tell him what an inspiration he is."

(Hu Jia):” Chen Guangcheng is still in illegal detention
after being released from prison on Sept. 9th, 2010.
The CCP’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman did not discuss
his detention, explain or clarify what is happening with his case.
Instead he blamed those who want to visit and rescue a citizen
who should be free.”

The blind human rights activist Chen Guangcheng worked
to protect the legal rights of those
who had been affected by the local government
brutally enforcing the one-child policy.
He was sentenced to four years and three months in prison on
charges of vandalism and assembling a crowd to disrupt traffic.
Upon his release in September of last year, Chen was put under
strict surveillance.
In 2011, footage was released which revealed Chen and his wife
Being beaten by the local authorities,
which drew many netizens, lawyers and journalists to visit Chen
in his hometown in recent months.
However, nobody has managed to see him in person,
and have been subjected to local authorities’ violence
such as kidnapping, beatings or expulsion when they try.

NTD reporters Li Yun and Wang Mingyu
